Abby's Vampire

Abby's Vampire by Anjela Renee Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Abby's Vampire by Anjela Renee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anjela Renee
thought about what it would be like to have a girl like Lizzy—someone who would care for him, someone to love him. It had been so long since he’d had anything like it. It was almost foreign to him now.

    Chapter 13
    Brian watched Abby’s apartment. He had to be sure she was alone so he waited in the car for an hour and then walked over to the fire escape and quietly climbed up until he was outside her window. He peaked through the crack in the thick curtains of her bedroom window. He could see movement in the next room and knew she wasn’t in her bedroom. He tried opening the window and, luckily, it wasn’t locked. He pushed against the glass and finally it opened a little. He used his hands to open the window the rest of the way. Brian carefully crawled into the bedroom, trying not to make any noise. He closed the window after him and walked over to the closet. On his way, he stepped onto some shopping bags and they made a distinctive rustling sound. He swore under his breath and hoped she didn’t hear the noise. He got inside the closet and closed it all but a crack and waited.
    Abby froze in the hallway to her bedroom. She heard a noise and saw something go into her closet. She backed away from her closet and grabbed her pepper spray. She slipped on her shoes and grabbed her purse. She was scared and wanted to know who was in her room, but thought the best course of action would be retreat. She ran out the door and slammed it behind her and ran as fast as she could run. She kept checking behind her but didn’t see anyone. She ran what seemed like forever, but in reality was only about a mile, until she reached a nearby bar. She rushed inside and closed the door. She breathed deeply and then calmed as she noticed everyone looking at her. She smiled and made her way to the bar and sat. She pulled out her phone and called Javon.
    “Javon, it’s me, Abby.”
    “I am so happy you called. I missed you.”
    Abby tried to sound strong but her voice betrayed her by quivering over the phone. “Javon, someone broke into my apartment,” she cried.
    “Where are you?”
    “At a bar down the road from my apartment.”
    “Stay put; I’m coming to get you.”
    “Maybe I should just call Jenny; no need for you to come all the way here.”
    “No! I’m glad you called. Just sit tight. I can be there in twenty minutes.”
    Abby hung up the phone as she saw the bartender approach. She ordered a beer and took it over to a table.
    Abby was taking a sip of her beer when someone sat across from her at the table.
    “Killer—Um, Pierre, right?”
    “You are Javon's woman! Why are you drinking alone?” He gave Abby a flirtatious smile. At the club, he looked scary, like a bouncer should, but here he looked like a guy she would enjoy meeting. He had a blue button down shirt and jeans, and the tattoo on his arm gave him an edge without being too intimidating.
    “Javon is on his way.”
    “A man should never keep a pretty lady waiting.”
    “He isn't. It was a last minute date but he should be here soon.” Abby wasn't sure if she should tell Pierre anything else. Javon knew him, but she had just met him.
    “Wanna tell me what happened? I can tell this isn’t a last minute date.”
    “I think I'll just wait for Javon.”
    Abby stared at Pierre. Even after everything that had happened, she refused to break down and cry again. She would be strong. Besides, nothing really happened. A creep broke in and she ran—it could have been worse.
    “I like you. I can tell something happened. Do you know what else I can tell about you?”
    “Please, all powerful seer, tell me,” she joked.
    “You’re tough, a lot tougher than you even know you are. Whatever happened, you won’t let it get you down. I can respect that.”
    Pierre handed Abby a card with his cell phone number on it. She smiled, knowing that she had made a new friend.
    “I appreciate that. Pierre, you look scary but you're a really nice guy. Thanks

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