Accidentally Married

Accidentally Married by Victorine E. Lieske Read Free Book Online

Book: Accidentally Married by Victorine E. Lieske Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victorine E. Lieske
box for a couple of minutes didn’t give her any ideas. Finally she typed: Snagged a small acting job. Not a big deal, but it paid well. There. That was true, and didn’t make her look bad.
    After brushing her teeth, she crawled into bed. The sheets were freezing, and she pulled the blanket up over her shoulder. Her bedroom was the coldest room in the apartment. She’d even closed the vent, but no matter what, the air conditioning somehow pumped right onto her bed. But if she turned down the thermostat, the rest of the apartment boiled. Maybe she’d get an electric blanket. Seemed silly to use one in the summer, but she couldn’t stand the cold any longer.
    As she tried to relax, the memory of Jared’s kiss floated to the surface. The way he held her close with his hand on the back of her head and his lips exploring hers had sent fire through her veins. Thinking about it warmed her. He could make millions running a kissing booth.
    But the kiss didn’t mean anything. She knew that. Just a part to play for his family.
    She rolled over and pounded her pillow. Best to forget him. No point in spending all night dwelling on the most fabulous kiss she’d ever had. It was over. Much better to go to sleep and forget all about Jared Jameson.
    She rolled to her other side, the sweet taste of Jared still on her lips. Dang.
    Maybe thinking about the kiss a little more wouldn’t hurt anything.
    Chapter 6

    T he shrill ring of the phone startled Jared out of a deep sleep. He blinked his eyes, trying to see the clock. Six-thirty. Who would be calling him early on a Saturday? He fumbled on the nightstand, picked up the cordless and growled, “What is it?”
    “Jared. It’s Patricia.”
    The emotion in his cousin’s voice alarmed him, and he sat up in bed. She wouldn’t be calling this early if it wasn’t important. “What happened?”
    “It’s mom. She’s in the hospital.”
    Fully awake now, Jared hopped out of bed. “How bad is it?”
    “She collapsed last night…after you left.”
    “What? Why didn’t you call me?” Panic gripped his chest. He snatched a pair of pants from his closet and tugged them on over his boxer shorts.
    “They had to run some tests. I didn’t want to worry you until we knew.”
    “Knew what? What do you know? Tell me.”
    Silence filled the telephone line, and then a small sob. “She’s not good, Jared.”
    His head swam and a lump formed in his throat. “But she was doing better. What are you saying?”
    “They aren’t sure what happened. They think it’s her heart. They have nothing conclusive yet.”
    Jared swore under his breath.
    “She wants you and Madison to come.”
    “Madison?” His stomach clenched. This could not be good. “Um, she can’t come. She’s…busy today.”
    Patricia’s voice hitched. “Please, she’s insistent. She wants to talk to you and your fiancée.”
    Dread closed in on him. This was not happening. He had to fix this, and fast. “Actually, we had a fight on the way home.”
    “Then apologize!” Her voice rose. “This is important, Jared!”
    He felt like pond scum. No, lower than pond scum. The slimy pieces of filth that aspired to be pond scum. “Okay, okay. We’ll be there.”
    “Thank you. And please hurry. Mom’s kind of agitated.”

    The doorbell rang, and then came a knocking, and somewhere in Madison’s sleep-deprived mind, she realized she had to get up out of bed and answer it. She doubted Carrie would, after staying out all hours of the night.
    Madison pulled on a robe and rushed to the living room. Obviously someone had a problem, with all the pounding going on. She yanked the door open.
    The sight of Jared standing there, his dark hair slightly mussed up, his steel-grey eyes boring into her, made her catch her breath.
    What’s he doing here?
    “I’m not giving you the check back.” She folded her arms across her chest.
    “I’m not here about the money.”
    His voice sounded funny. Raspy.
    She softened her tone.

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