the rest of the way, to her waist, as he coaxes her to raise her knees and plant her feet on the bed.
His hand goes between them, and she sucks in a sharp breath as he rubs himself against her.
“All right?” he asks.
She nods her head, holding her breath again. Her body is cadaver-stiff.
“I know you're scared, Eva. But if you can, try to relax. Does this feel good?”
After a pause she says, “It feels...strange. Different from what you did before.
“Direct contact,” he whispers.
Her chest is rising and dipping with her rapid, shallow breaths, and a moment later she starts making her soft moan, muffled behind tightly closed lips. Her body softens a little, is quivering a little. He takes his hand away, then, and curves both his long, strong hands against her head. He traces her eyebrows, her temples with the pads of his thumbs.
“When I go inside you, it might not hurt. If it does, though, the pain shouldn't last long.” He kisses her brow. “All right?” he asks, and she nods.
His back flexes, and his hips shift almost imperceptibly and she sucks in a breath. He pauses, then continues on the same trajectory, his movement slow.
Restrained. Her eyes go wide and she makes a small squeaking sound. Now she's panting as his hips press down, closing the final distance.
John goes still, then plants little kisses down the side of her face, then looks at her as his hips draw a little back, then press in again, driving a small sound from her.
“It hurts?”
“Not so much. I'm okay,” she says in a reigned-in voice.
His body is trembling as he moves slowly over her. Inside her. He tries a kiss and she yields to his mouth, parting her lips. Her fingers uncurl from the wads of sheet she'd clutched at her side, and she puts her arms around him, indifferently at first. But soon she's holding him to her, and her mouth seems more eager than acquiescent, now.
Now he looks at her, holding her gaze as he moves against her body, his ass flexing as he pumps slowly between her thighs. Her full lips are parted, so now her little sighs are liberated. His hips seem to be seeking those little sighs. They move until they get one, then work to the tune of her voice until it goes quiet, then his body shifts and flexes until he gets his accompaniment again. When a little crease dents the plane between her eyebrows he smiles.
“Don't,” she says. “Don't watch me like that.”
“All right,” he sighs in her ear, then mouths, licks, sucks her lobe, getting more of her sighs as his body flexes and writhes against hers.
Her hands are pressing into the flesh of his back, and underneath him her body is flexing, moving, seeking, and the room is filling with her little groans. John's mouth is on her throat, now, lips and tongue and teeth teasing the flesh just under her jaw, down by her collarbones. And then he's on to her other ear and the silken neck below it. For a moment she seems to pull herself up against him, and two long, high notes hum through bitten lips.
He holds her close, pressing and holding himself still against her while she shudders and pants, then finally calms, her fierce grip on his back going lax, her body softening and sinking beneath him.
“Go ahead,” she tells him.
He starts to move.
“No,” she says. “I want to see you.”
He lifts himself so his face hovers a few inches above her, and gives her a strange little smile. He starts moving again. Still slowly, but with a different angle, a different rhythm. Almost on the first stroke her body tenses and her eyes go a little wide, startled.
“You okay?” he whispers, and she nods her head. “It doesn't hurt?”
She shakes her head, then says, her voice soft, almost kind, “Just intense. Don't worry about me. Just do it the way you like it. I want to see, feel what that is.”
His fingers in her hair, his other hand slips down, under her waist, and holding her to him he begins to move, back and thighs and ass
Laurence Cossé, Alison Anderson