
Aftermath by Jaci Burton Read Free Book Online

Book: Aftermath by Jaci Burton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaci Burton
Tags: Book - Paranormal Erotica Series
been after he had tasted the stew. “Work on it,” he whispered, tears forming in his eyes as he grasped his refilled mug of ale and guzzled deeply.
    As she walked off, her heart lightened and she felt supremely satisfied that she had showed him exactly who would be dealing with whose consequences. The rest of the day passed quickly as she spent it with Erin and Donny. Donny was a delightful child, full of mischief and exuberance and clearly looking up to his brother. He constantly spoke of Bradeon and how he wanted to be just like him when he was older.

    Erin was more soulful, always deep in thought and observing those around her with a keen insight that showed maturity far beyond her years.
    But the one thing she noticed most of all was how much they both loved Braedon, despite the fact he spent no time with them. They made excuses for his neglect, claiming the running of Greenbriar as a very important task and how he had taken it upon himself to protect all the people.
    Regardless, he had a family and he needed to see to them.
    The more time she spent with Erin and Donny and Nadine, the more she missed her own family. In many ways, she understood Erin and Donny’s feelings of abandonment. How could her father leave her with all these strangers? And what of her sisters? Were they well? Did they miss her? What of Solara? Had she returned by now? Had she and Roarke been able to come together? Oh, she hoped so. Solara’s happiness was all that mattered. If her sister was able to love Roarke the way she wanted to, this nightmare would be worth it.
    And if Solara and Roarke did find happiness, would she ever know it? Would she ever see her family again, or would she be trapped here forever?
    Stop thinking of them. You will make yourself crazy if you allow your mind to wander into places that bring you sadness . Though she could link to her sisters through her powers, she knew it would only bring unhappiness right now, and she refused to open herself up to more misery, so she kept herself closed. She was not yet ready to face them. What if they were all unhappy because of what she had done?
    Sometimes she acted before thinking. Her heart thought it was doing the right thing, but the reality did not always turn out the way she intended. She hoped her family was not in misery because of her actions.
    Magic, she missed them all so much, needed the counsel of her sisters right now. She was so alone.
    Long after the rest of the castle had retired for the night, she wandered outside in the gardens near the ocean, taking a seat on the wooden bench underneath a copse of trees. The oppressive heat was not unbearable in the night and the breeze from the ocean cooled her heated skin.
    Trista leaned back and thought of all she would miss if she were required to actually stay here. Though she had developed an immediate fondness for Erin and Donny, she could not marry a man who did not care for her. She would be willing to suffer much in her role as queen, but she could never survive indifference and neglect.
    Loneliness settled around her like a cloak against the whipping breeze, enveloping her in its shroud of solitude. The only way back home to her family was to ensure Braedon did not wish to marry her.
    Judging from the way he treated her, even after his enjoyment of watching her the night before, it would not be long before he cast her aside and sent her back to her parents.
    The thought brought about both hope and despair, though she did not know why.

    * * * * *
Braedon had not expected to find Trista sitting alone on the cliff so late at night, yet there she was, once again spotlighted by the moon overhead as she brooded. What a vision she made in her long gown of pale yellow, her knees drawn up against her chest and resting her chin on her knees.
    She appeared lost in thought, but what really captured him was the look of loneliness, of isolation on her face. The glistening of golden tears filled the corners of her eyes and he felt

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