All of Me

All of Me by Gina Sorelle Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: All of Me by Gina Sorelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina Sorelle
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
there.  It’s Saturday
night amd we’re off work.  It’s time to par-tay .”
    Christopher glanced
around at the tables full of sweating parents, screaming kids, senior citizens
clutching coupons, and gangly 16 year olds on first dates. 
    He quirked a
well-groomed black brow.  “If this is your idea of a par-tay , you’re
worse off than I thought.”
    Stella laughed.  She
felt her cell phone buzz and – after about two minutes of searching the murky
depths – pulled it out of her purse.  She read the text.  “Kat’s coming up to
meet us.”  Stella looked up with a devilish grin.  “And she’s bringing
Stellan.”  She mouthed the words, “ For you .”
    “The hunky Norwegian
I’ve been hearing so much about?”  Christopher adjusted his shirt and patted
down his thick, dark hair.  He winked at Stella.  “Might turn into a par-ty after all!”
    Twenty minutes later,
the third born Ciaramitaro sister came through the door of Marinelli’s  rocking
Gucci glasses, a zebra cane, and the sexiest sneakers money could buy.  Her
sisters had decided long ago that Multiple Sclerosis and nerdiness weren’t
going to stop Kat from being the most fabulous bitch in the room. 
    And it didn’t hurt she
was hanging on the arm of her gorgeous research assistant, Stellan.  The man
was an Alexander Skarsgard look alike:  tall, muscular, and broody as hell.  He
was also as gay as the day was long, thus Christopher’s near squirming in his
seat as they approached.
    “Hey, Stella.  Hey,
Christopher,” Kat said, shuffling closer to their corner table.  She released
Stellan’s arm and gripped the corner of the table.  She grimaced.  “Those stairs
just about killed us.  Stellan had to basically carry me.”
    “Oh, crap, I didn’t
even think of that.  I’m sorry, Kat,” Stella replied, standing up to let her
sister sit in the outer chair. 
    Kat waved off her
apology as she propped her cane against the table.  Stella pulled out her chair
and Kat plopped into it.  “It’s no big deal, but poor Stellan…he has to drag me
around the lab all day and now he’s dragging me around all of Cleveland.”
    Stellan “psshed” Kat’s
words as he eyed Christopher in a way only a gay man can pull off.  He must
have liked what he saw because his fair skin quickly reddened.  Stellan sank
into the chair next to Kat, opposite of Christopher, and within a few seconds
the men were chit-chatting. 
    Well, Christopher was
talking and Stellan was staring.  God love science dorks and their social
awkwardness.  They were some of Stella’s favorite people on earth.
    The waitress set a
plate of cold antipasti on the table and took Kat and Stellan’s drink orders. 
As she walked away, Stella leaned in.  “Hey, everything okay?  You seem like
you’re limping a lot more today.”
    “My left leg has been
worse this time,” Kat replied as she arranged the napkins, silverware, and
coasters on the table in a way she approved of.  “I’ve had some worsening
numbness too.”  The waitress set Kat’s Merlot down and sent Stellan’s tap beer
down the table.  Kat shrugged.  “I’ll call the Dr. Schlagel on Monday.  Maybe
they can up my dose of something.”
    Stella nodded.  She
opened her mouth to ask how physical therapy was going, but closed it.  And
stared.  Because she could not believe who had walked into her world. 
    Kat caught her staring
and turned to look over her shoulder.
    “Don’t!” Stella hissed,
her eyes now trained on Kat’s furrowed brow.  “Do not turn around, but the cops
who showed up at Eddie’s house the other night just walked in.”  Stella stole a
quick glance to make sure they hadn’t spotted her and found she was safe for
the moment.  They’d been seated in the opposite corner of the restaurant,
closer to the door.  “And they were at the hospital a few nights ago on a drunk
driving accident.”
    “None of which explains
why you’re whispering when they are

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