All of Me

All of Me by Gina Sorelle Read Free Book Online

Book: All of Me by Gina Sorelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina Sorelle
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
hips, head
shaking. “I suck.  Seriously suck.”
    “Nah, you’re just
getting old.”  Nathan tossed his own wild free throw toward the net.  When it
went in, he grinned over his shoulder.
    Middle finger salute
given and received, Danny retrieved both balls and tossed Nathan his.  “So,
what’s the story?  You coming down with something?”
    Nathan calculated his response
as he dribbled the ball.  All he managed to come up with was, “I’m fine.”
    But he wasn’t. Fine. 
At all.  He was all twisted up and weirded out.  But that wasn’t Danny’s
problem, so why burden him with it?  Plus, Nathan knew he couldn’t explain what
he was feeling even if he tried. 
    “You sure?  You’ve been
quieter than usual, which means you’ve been almost mute,” Danny said with an
affection clap on the shoulder.  “No war shit coming back up, right?  You doing
okay with that?”
    “Nothing like that.  Everything’s
cool.”  Nathan slipped out from under Danny’s grip and dribbled toward the
net.  He threw another shot.  Woulda been all net had there been one.
    “Okay.  Just checking
in with you.  Seemed like something was going on,” Danny said.  “No word from
your brother or anything like that, right?”
    “Nope.”  Nathan wiped
his face across the sleeve of his shirt and took another shot.  This time he
    Danny wisely changed
the subject.  “So, Leila and me?  Yeah, we’re over.”  At Nathan’s raised brow,
he shrugged.  “She was a little too freaky – even for me.”  When Nathan’s other
brow joined the first, Danny exhaled a laugh.  “I know, I know, right?  But
it’s true.  I’m up for the kinky sex club now and then, but I’m not looking to
make that a way of life, you know?  Plus, she wanted to bring another dude into
the mix and that’s where this Irishman draws the line.” 
    “No cap on the females
allowed, but no other dudes, huh?”  Nathan snorted at Danny’s emphatic,
“Goddamn straight!”
    Danny shook his head. 
“So weird how different Leila and Christy are.  How in the world those two ever
hooked up is beyond me.  Christy ever say anything about it?”
    Christy never said much
about anything, which suited Nathan just fine, but it didn’t lend itself to any
in-depth conversations about how she’d befriended Danny’s nymphomaniac ex.
    “No.”  Nathan slowed
his dribble, grabbing the ball with both hands on its last bounce.  He studied
the faded black S in Spalding.  “I’m thinking about asking Christy if she wants
to move in together.”
    Nathan swallowed down a
dry heave. 
    Danny’s reaction was
only slightly less dramatic.  “Uh… what ?”  He walked closer to Nathan and
leaned in.  “Please repeat that.  Because I know you couldn’t possibly have
said you want to move in with Little Miss Paper Shuffler.”  Danny laughed. 
“Getting laid is one thing, but making a move like that?  What, are you nuts?”
    “She’s easy to get
along with and very…calm.  I’m 32 years old, Mac.  Gotta settle down some
time.”  Nathan shrugged.  “She’s as good as anyone.”
    “Oh, well, if she’s as
good as anyone!”  Danny guffawed, throwing his hands into the air.  “Why didn’t
you just say that?  If she’s as good as anyone, then – by all means – marry the
woman.”  Danny grabbed Nathan by both shoulders.  “Have you lost your fucking
mind?”  He dropped his arms and pointed at Nathan’s chest.  “See?  I knew
something was up with you!  Don’t get squirrely on me, bro! You’re the only
sane person I have in my life.  Don’t go all American Psycho on me now.”
    “Asking a perfectly nice
woman to move in with me is comparable to murdering a bunch of people in cold
    “It’s worse!”  At the
simultaneous lift of both brows, Danny said, “Well, okay, not worse, but
close.  Just promise me you’ll think this through.  I don’t want you to be
another Contini.”

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