The One For Me

The One For Me by Layla James Read Free Book Online

Book: The One For Me by Layla James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Layla James
around the room. Nothing. Only students pretending to pay attention. “Over here,” I hear again. I look over to my left and see Hayden staring at me. His jaw is set and his green eyes narrowed. I give him a what the hell do you want look. He starts to write something on his paper. I roll my eyes and continue to write.
    I’m just about to ask Mrs. Johns a question about Abraham Lincoln when I feel a paper wad hit my head. Ouch . Not like it really hurt, but hell, grow up. I look up and Hayden is staring at me again. ‘What?” I belt out. “What the hell do you want?”
    The entire class turns toward me and then back to Hayden. “Ms. Katy, is there a problem?” Mrs. Johns looks over her thick framed glasses at me.
    “Yes, Hayden hit me with a paper wad and he won’t leave me alone.” I don’t know why but I feel proud to get him in trouble. A little pathetic I know, but I can’t help it. The shocked look on his face makes me feel good. It makes me feel better for the things he said to me.
    She narrows her eyes and looks over at Hayden, whose mouth has almost dropped to the floor. “Hayden, is there anything you would like to tell Ms. Katy since you’re throwing things at her head.”
    Hayden’s Adam’s apple moves in his throat and he shakes his head, disapprovingly. He looks really mad. “Yeah. I’m ashamed of the last year of my life.”
    A pressure that I’ve never felt before presses down on my chest. It hurts like salt to a wound. My vision is cloudy and I hear several people snickering around me.
    “Hayden, stop throwing things and pay attention,” Mrs. Jones snaps and turns toward the board.
    I can’t make myself pay attention the rest of the period. My head is spinning and my heart is pounding. Those few words hurt worse than anything Hayden has ever said to me. I try not to cry in front of anyone. I cannot let Hayden see me cry. I’ve cried too many tears because of him.
    When the bell rings I’m the first person out of the room. I’m trying to hold back my tears but they’re burning at my eyes and making my throat burn. A few students start to stare at me so I dash down the boy’s hallway and into the back of the school, where Hayden had first told me why he didn’t want me with Liam.
    I shake the door handles until I come to one door that was unlocked. I shut the door behind me and sit at the empty teacher’s desk. There are boxes everywhere. I wonder if I can hide in one and disappear. I rest my hands on the desk and try to make myself calm down. Hayden is… such an ass . I can’t believe he is that worried about himself. I regret the last year of my life. Those words sink into me like nothing ever has. He regrets all the laughter, touching, kissing, holding, making love. I gave myself to him. A sob is riding on my tongue. How can he just forget an entire year with someone? How can he act as if I’m vapor to him? I close my eyes and I all I see is our first time together. I gave myself to him, something I could never get back. He doesn’t even give a damn. He never did. He tossed me aside for the first piece of ass that paid him any attention. I am trying not to cry when I hear the door open.
    “I told you’d she would be in here,” Jennifer says, pushing Liam out of the way. She stands in front of the desk and glances down at me. “I heard. I’m sorry. He is an asswipe.”
    I nod and wipe at my eyes. I glance at Liam and he is stoned face. Probably one hundred shades of uncomfortable right about now. He didn’t sign up for this. I clear my throat. “I am fine. I just needed to get out of there for a while.”
    Jennifer nods and looks at Liam. She nudges his side and he rolls his eyes. “Would you get out of here, Jennifer? I need to talk to my girlfriend.” He sounds robotic.
    That word sounds foreign on his tongue. Jennifer makes a face and I’m surprised she has believed us this long. “Whatever, I’ll see you in Science,” she says and like a bullet shoots out of

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