All That Sparkles: The Texan Quartet

All That Sparkles: The Texan Quartet by Claire Boston Read Free Book Online

Book: All That Sparkles: The Texan Quartet by Claire Boston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Boston
be no more planning dinners and he wouldn’t need to see Imogen again. Her presence made him antsy.
    He’d got over her a very long time ago. Right after her father had said she never wanted to see him again and threatened to take out a restraining order on him if he came anywhere near his daughter.
    When Kate made noises about playing a board game, Chris knew it was time to leave. “I’ve got some briefs to read through,” he said by way of explanation.
    “And the Jessop Chronicles too,” Kate said, handing him the pile from the table.
    He took the books and smiled. “And those.”
    Adrian walked him out. “Libby will give you the rundown on her stories if you don’t want to read them.”
    Chris glanced at him. “I’ll read the first one. I promised Kate.”
    “We both know she can be tenacious at times.”
    Chris grinned. “But so loveable. It’s probably about time I gave myself some downtime. This will force me to do it.”
    “Just as long as you don’t feel obligated.”
    “Not a chance.” He hesitated, debating whether he should ask Adrian the question he’d been wondering all night. “Do you really think Imogen can get this label thing off the ground?” he asked as he reached his car.
    Adrian turned to him in surprise. “Yeah. Don’t you?”
    Chris shrugged. He didn’t know the person Imogen had become. “Setting up a business is difficult.”
    Adrian shifted. “She’s dedicated. That’s one thing I’ve learned about her in the last six months. Dedicated to her friends and to her work. I think she’ll make it work.” He was quiet a second and then asked, “What’s your issue with her?”
    Should he tell Adrian?
    Today wasn’t the time to go into it. “It’s nothing. I’ll see you next week.”
    He drove home to his apartment. Once inside he dumped the books on his kitchen bench and walked over to his office, which was stacked with neat piles of papers he needed to go through. He flicked open his calendar to check what he had on tomorrow, even though he had a fair idea.
    The last thing he felt like doing was reading through more dry documents.
    But that was what he was paid to do.
    He made a coffee and sat down to read.
    An hour later he was confident he had all the information he needed for the next day. It was getting late and he should head to bed. An image of a smiling Imogen popped into his head but he shook it away. She was not what he needed to be thinking about.
    Still, his fingers typed Tour de Force into his laptop’s search engine.
    The website was bright but stylish. Chris clicked through buttons to check the latest range and snorted.
    It was ridiculous. They weren’t the types of clothes people would actually wear in public, unless going to a fancy-dress party. No wonder Imogen’s father hadn’t liked her designs.
    He paused, not sure why he’d assumed Remy Fontaine hadn’t liked Imogen’s work. Probably because he wasn’t willing to make it part of the Tour de Force brand. Still, from what he knew of the man’s love for his daughter, Chris was surprised. He would have expected Remy to give Imogen the moon if she’d asked him for it.
    He sighed and shut off his computer. He didn’t want to think about Imogen. He’d spent far too many years obsessing over her when he was younger.
    Standing up, he picked up the books Kate had loaned him and found the first in the series. He flicked over and read the blurb on the back. It sounded all right.
    He’d read the first chapter and then go to sleep.
    It would keep his thoughts away from the girl who’d taught him not to trust.

Chapter 4
    When Christian arrived at Adrian’s house the next weekend for the wedding he carried all four of Libby’s books with him. Kate answered the door wearing a blue kimono, her hair half up and the lightest hint of makeup on her face.
    “All ready to go?” he asked as he handed back the books.
    “We’re on schedule,” Kate answered. “Did you read them?”
    Chris grimaced. “It

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