Always Been Mine

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Book: Always Been Mine by Elizabeth Reyes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Reyes
she’d managed to take Isabel’s mood from dancing and smiling giddy to an anxious mess. “Relax. You wanna get that, or shall I?”
    “You get it.” Isabel rushed into her bedroom.
    Damn . Why did she have to open her big mouth? Valerie hoped Isabel wasn’t changing. But she hadn’t even finished saying hello to Romero when Isabel was already out of the room. She’d just gone in to grab a jacket and her purse.
    Romero’s expression was almost comical. He’d never been discreet about anything. If she thought she saw something in the way Romero looked at Isabel at the party, there was no doubt about it now. Isabel wouldn’t be walking away from this one as easily as she thought.
    Romero didn’t look too shabby himself. He wore a Padre t-shirt that hugged him pretty well. He was obviously still working out as much as she remembered he used to. There was no way Isabel could not notice that.
    After awkward hellos and goodbyes, they were out the door and Valerie stuck her nose through the curtains. Even with Isabel’s heels, Romero was half a head taller than her. They made a really cute couple and Valerie giggled as she texted Isabel to tell her.
    She walked back to her room to get ready for her own date with Luke. Even though things were beginning to look positive, Valerie couldn’t help feeling a dull ache in her heart. She was really counting on Luke to help her get rid of it. She needed to remind herself to stop comparing him to Alex. As much as she hated to admit it, no one would ever live up to him. She may as well, stop hoping someone would, and accept Luke for the man that he was.
    The restaurant was busy as it always was lately. With renovations done and the construction all cleared out, Alex and his older brother Sal started a campaign on the internet. They even ran a commercial twice a day on the local radio station.
    Because Angel and Sarah were already looking for a place to lease to open their restaurant as soon as they got married, Sal had plans of possibly making the restaurant some kind of chain eventually. But he didn’t want it to be too commercial. He wanted to keep the authentic quality his parents had created with the same recipes. Alex had no doubt he could do it.
    Sal was by far the most driven of the three brothers. Alex and Angel had gone to college because it was expected of them. Their dad hadn’t given them a choice. But Sal loved it. Even though he was the oldest, he was still in school.
    He went to school in Los Angeles, so, he stayed out there and only came home on the weekends. But lately he’d been coming home less and less. His schedule was heavier. He was really trying to finish up school faster, so he’d taken on a full load the past couple of semesters. That’s why Alex had been surprised to see him at the restaurant that morning.
    He supervised all day and put in his two cents on everything. Alex didn’t mind. Sal knew what he was talking about. He’d helped his dad run the place for years, so Alex welcomed the help. Alex made in the excel sheets for payroll and scheduling. He’d expected Sal to be pleased but hadn’t expected just how impressed he’d been.
    Alex was in the back room showing Sal more of the changes he’d made when Angel walked in.
    “Hey, did you hear about next door?” Angel asked.
    Both Alex and Sal turned to face him. “What about it?” Alex hadn’t noticed much of anything lately.
    “Old man Mason is finally gonna retire. I ran into his son this morning. They’re putting the place up for sale.”
    Alex and Sal exchanged knowing glances. They’d been waiting for this for years. If they bought the place, they could expand the restaurant further out to allow for a bigger bar area. Already the place had gained so much popularity. The weekend evening crowd had outgrown it.
    “He owns the place right? He’s not leasing?” Alex knew what Sal was getting at because it was exactly what he was thinking. They’d make him an offer

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