HH01 - A Humble Heart
    “Yes, of course.” Dana said, willing to do whatever it took to make her characters come to life.
    Jennifer smiled and walked off to a large group of people waiting for her. Interesting, she had her own entourage. She
    found it more interesting that Edward didn’t. She knew he was more famous. Jennifer was new to acting and seemed to love the
    attention. Edward didn’t.
    “Ghosts?” Edward chuckled, immediately grabbing Dana’s attention.
    She realized they were shooting the first scene. She watched nervously as they worked through the first scene several
    times. Each time she found herself on the edge of her seat gripping the arms of her chair. Something was wrong…something she
    hadn't realized until this moment.
    Watching Edward act she realized he was Christian. She made Christian for Edward and never realized it. Edward was
    who she thought about when she wrote Christian, an easy going guy who was kind and generous. “Oh my God,” she whispered
    to herself.
    “Shhhh,” someone hissed.
    She bit her lip as she watched the scene to continue to unfold. Every now and then she would look around and wonder if
    anyone else had noticed that Edward was doing a perfect job of playing Christian and figured out why. It would be really
    awkward if that ever came out.

“Don’t kill me!”
    Dana and Edward looked up from the computer screen. She frowned as she spotted her assistant standing in the doorway
    holding an ice pack to her face. Then she looked at the clock and groaned inwardly.
    She’d been waiting for Jennifer to grace her with her presence for three hours. The actress made a big deal about getting
    together so Dana had asked Deana to watch the kids for a little while longer.
    It wasn’t a complete waste of time. Edward had turned out to be eager to start their work. So far they’d finished the
    prologue and the first chapter. It was going a lot faster then she thought it would.
    Dana looked back up to catch the first sign of recognition filter over her assistant's face. She gasped, pointed and
    squeaked loudly.
    “Damn!” Edward said as he cupped his ears.
    Mid-squeak Deana suddenly broke off, closing her eyes and wincing as she pressed the ice pack to her mouth.
    Dana jumped out of her chair and walked over to Deana. “What’s wrong?”
    Deana held up a hand and shook her head.
    “I’m sorry, Mommy,” a tiny voice said.
    “No, it’s okay, sweetie,” Deana said, wincing. “It was my own fault, Dana. I was showing Elizabeth the proper way to eat
    a jaw breaker.”
    “Oh no….”
    Deana nodded. “I broke a tooth.”
    Dana took Deana’s hand into hers and gave it a squeeze. “Do you need me to take you to the dentist?”
    “No, I need to drop the midgets off, though. If it’s okay?” she shot a half-worried, half-worshipping look in Edward’s
    “Of course. You’re hurt, Deana. So, we’re done.”
    “Are you sure?” Deana asked nervously. Dana knew the woman’s work history. Deana was still terrified at the thought of
    going back to her old job where she'd been treated poorly.
    Dana pulled her into a hug. “You’re part of this family. Don’t ever worry about it,” she whispered into Deana’s ear.
    Deana nodded and sniffled. “Thank you, Dana.” She took a deep breath and turned around. “Alright, guys, get in here and
    behave yourselves. Auntie Deana will see you guys tomorrow.”

Edward watched curiously. All day Dana had gone out of her way to treat everyone like a good friend. She never once
    raised her voice to anyone. He was curious to find out if this was an act or not. There were so many fake people in Hollywood
    after all, but after seeing her with her assistant he knew without a doubt that she was the real deal.
    His brows shot up when he saw two of the cutest kids shyly walk into the trailer. The little girl with her slightly curly
    honey blonde hair and deep blue eyes was without a doubt the prettiest little girl he’d

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