Sinister Seraphim of Mine (Overworld Chronicles Book 8)

Sinister Seraphim of Mine (Overworld Chronicles Book 8) by John Corwin Read Free Book Online

Book: Sinister Seraphim of Mine (Overworld Chronicles Book 8) by John Corwin Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Corwin
Jeremiah said seriously. "I sired a large family with Thesha. My father and brothers helped us settle the land in a nearby valley, and within a decade, we had the most prosperous herd of anyone."
    "So, goats made you immortal," Shelton said in a dry tone.
    Jeremiah ignored him. "Then I met my first Seraphim. He must have found me praying and thought it humorous to toy with me by surrounding himself in a ball of light and descending from the sky." His eyes glittered with anger. "He told me I would lead my people for God. What he meant was I would be leading my people into slavery under the Seraphim. By this point, some Seraphim had taken to hiding their identities, pretending to be human royalty, and only revealing themselves when it was convenient to incite religious fervor among their slaves."
    "This was before we met," Mom said.
    Jeremiah nodded. "I believe this was nearly twenty years after you first opened the Grand Nexus and allowed the Seraphim into Eden, and perhaps five years before we met." He shook his head. "After so many centuries, remembering a precise timeline is difficult."
    Mom closed her eyes and looked away. "I had no idea—"
    "It was not your fault, Alysea." A hint of sadness touched Jeremiah's eyes.
    I wanted to hear more of the story. "Why were these Seraphim—these Brightlings—hiding their identities?"
    "Though many Brightlings fought wars like giant chess games, destroying human lives for entertainment, some sought more direct means for gaining power. They employed betrayal and assassination to usurp the power of others." Jeremiah shrugged. "As precautions, the Brightlings disguised themselves, using human rulers while they pulled the strings." He grimaced. "When my people were enslaved by the Seraphim who ruled Egypt, I escaped to the desert. I wandered for forty days and forty nights—"
    "Now it's starting to sound like the Bible," Shelton said in a sarcastic tone.
    Jeremiah's eyes flashed with anger. "Perhaps I should bifurcate that smart tongue of yours, boy."
    Shelton turned white and made the motion of zipping his mouth shut.
    Elyssa snorted.
    "As I was saying," Jeremiah continued, "after wandering the desert, I found strange markings which led me into a cave. Inside this massive cave, I met the dragon, Altash, for the first time. He told me the Seraphim had discovered how to use magical gateways between worlds and were now invading ours."
    "He was talking about me, I presume," Mom said.
    Jeremiah tsked. "Indeed. Altash told me the Seraphim must be stopped because they were upsetting a delicate balance."
    "Did the dragon give you magic powers?" I asked.
    The ancient Arcane shook his head. "Altash told me my family line had the gift of the first people. He sent me deep into the cave where I found a glowing river. In retrospect, I believe the river intersected a ley line, or perhaps the dragon had infused the water with aether. Whatever it was, the water awakened my talents. Perhaps it also granted me this longevity I seem to suffer from."
    Shelton raised his hand.
    "What is it, boy?"
    "How did Altash talk to you?"
    Jeremiah tapped his temple. "He spoke to me in here. The words were not in Hebrew or any other language spoken at the time, yet I understood them."
    I almost raised my hand and stopped myself. "Does this mean all Arcanes can trace their powers back to you?"
    He shook his head. "Most people, even noms, have the ability to tap the power of Eden. Some simply have more potential than others. An Arcane can increase their efficiency and ability through practice over time, but no human has the raw potential of a Seraphim."
    "What about the dragons?" I asked. "Are they powerful enough to take on the Seraphim?"
    "At first they were hesitant to become directly involved, but I managed to convince them otherwise," Jeremiah said. "As for their role in the grander scheme of things, I still cannot say. They never told me what their ultimate goals are, where they originate, or if they answer to a

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