Always Yours

Always Yours by Kari March Read Free Book Online

Book: Always Yours by Kari March Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kari March
night I finally decided to just let this idea of Cara go. She didn't like me anyway, she made that pretty clear with the attitude she gave me tonight, and even if she did we barely even knew each other. It shouldn't be too hard to push the thoughts of her from my mind—soon she would be long forgotten. Closing my eyes I tried to fall asleep but images of Cara kept intermixing with my thoughts of Amber, like a never-ending slideshow, tormenting me with each new picture.
    Fuck, maybe forgetting about Cara was going to be harder than I thought.

    The only thing I could hear was a faint ringing sound. Slowly, I opened my eyes, blinking a few times as I tried to focus on my surroundings. Red, white, and blue lights flashed all around me, and I squinted in response as the brightness of them pierced my vision. The smell of burning tires, gasoline and what I hoped wasn't blood, burned my nose as I inhaled and it made the furiously throbbing pain in my head worse. Reaching up, I carefully touched the pulsing ache and winced from the pain. Pulling my hand away, I cringed—it was covered in blood.
    "Miss, you're going to be okay, we're going to get you out. Try not to move," I heard a deep voice call out to me. I couldn't see anyone or anything except the flashing lights.
    Trying to recall what happened I closed my eyes just as a horrible pain shot through my abdomen. Clutching my stomach, I cried out in agony as bits and pieces of the past hour flashed in my head.
    The party...
    Lance was kissing her...
    Tears falling...
    He told everyone I got pregnant on purpose so he wouldn't break up with me...
    The baby! No, God, please.
    A cold wave of fear swept through my bones and my whole body started to tremble.
    "I'm pregnant, please hurry!" I cried out, hoping someone could hear me as I tried to wrench my aching body free. It was no use though. My legs were pinned under the crushed dashboard.
    Tears started falling down my face in streams as another sharp pain wrenched though my core. I cried out in agony as the most excruciating sensation I had ever felt took over my body, paralyzing me. No, please, don't take her from me!

    Shooting out of bed, drenched in sweat, I ran straight to the bathroom and expelled the contents of my stomach into the toilet, over and over again until nothing was left. Sinking down to the cold tile floor, I wrapped my arms around my midsection and began to cry. The nightmares of my past were few and far between lately, but when they did haunt me, they were real. Every emotion, every ounce of pain, every tear, was fresh in my mind and I knew there was no way I was going back to sleep anytime soon.
    Pushing my drained and now cold body off the floor, I went into the kitchen to get some water—I needed to get this horrible taste out of my mouth. Glancing at the clock I noticed it was 7am. Ugh, it is way too early to be awake. Late nights at the bar had turned me into a bit of a night owl and usually I didn't rise until at least nine or ten.
    Last night had been an extremely late night. Between Shay becoming a crying mess—thanks to Kyle—shortly after the doors of the bar were locked, and being left alone and utterly humiliated on the dance floor, I didn't get to crawl into the comforts of my bed until nearly 4am.
    I couldn't believe Cam had just left me there.
    What a dick!
    I felt like such a moron for actually thinking that maybe he was a good guy. But he wasn't, he did exactly what every man has done to me since I was eight years old—he left, and he never once looked back. Luckily, this time, I found out early, before anything actually happened between us. He was now just another jerk I could warn the other waitresses about—not that he would be returning to Maggie's any time soon, I hoped.
    Wallowing in my self-pity, I decided to try and go back to sleep since I needed to be at the bar early. I had a lot to get done before we

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