Amy Valenti - Not Your Damn Submissive (Denial #1)

Amy Valenti - Not Your Damn Submissive (Denial #1) by Amy Valenti Read Free Book Online

Book: Amy Valenti - Not Your Damn Submissive (Denial #1) by Amy Valenti Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Valenti
can’t have that. Think of other things.
    I imagined him pressing me back against the wall, kissing me over and over, one hand in my panties and the other under my shirt, teasing and tormenting me until I pleaded for releas e. The memory of his scent just added to the sensual picture I was conjuring up, and I stroked my pussy, coating my clit in my juices with a soft moan. He would lift me, wrap my legs around his waist and carry me to the bedroom, tear off my clothing piece by piece as he lay beside me, kissing every piece of flesh he exposed.
    Then he ’d cuff my hands to the headboard and…
    “ No!” I groaned to myself, trying to control the surge of excitement that ran through me at the thought of being restrained. But my body was responding too enthusiastically for me to deny the fantasy, my nipples tingling and my fingers soaked with my arousal. I’d already let him spank me today—one little fantasy wouldn’t hurt now.
    Callum would restrain me and slap my ass over and over again u ntil I ground my clit against the bed and begged for mercy. Then he’d make me support my weight on my elbows and knees while he slid into me from behind, all the way in until he couldn’t go any farther. He’d grab my hips and take me hard, use me for his pleasure and demand that I hold my inevitable climax until he gave me permission to come…
    I writhed in the chair, two fingers in my pussy, my thumb on my clit, my other hand pinching one of my nipples through my shirt. God, I wanted him to do all these things to me and more. What had he said? He wanted to put a collar around my neck and hold onto it while we came together?
    It was too much for me to bear, and I climaxed in quick, fluttering pulses of ecstatic exertion, trembling through my aftershocks breathlessly.
    Then I burst into tears.
    * * * *
    Kat was short with me the next morning, sparing me no more energy than she absolutely had to give me to do her job. She looked as though she hadn’t had much sleep, which wasn’t surprising, given the situations I’d thrust her into yesterday.
    I hadn ’t slept much myself. She’d kept appearing in my thoughts, her image scowling defensively, then melting into my arms when I’d imagined touching her. Yesterday’s urgent, chemistry-filled kiss kept playing back through my mind—how she’d given a tiny moan of inevitability as she’d stopped fighting me, her body moulded to mine, her fingers in my hair. Then later, the way she’d ground her clit against my fingers as she’d come, her ass red from my spanks, her panting breaths hot against the leg of my jeans.
    My reality right this second was completely different. I was in the makeup chair, enduring Marcia’s fussing. Faintly, I could hear Kat chatting and laughing with one of the male runners outside, so I was reasonably sure she was stonewalling me in particular.
    I emerged from the trailer, my eyes adjusting to the glaring sunlight just in time for me to see Kat saying goodbye to the runner, then turning to me with a blank expression. “Ready? Darren wants to start shooting in ten minutes.”
    “ Darren can kiss my ass,” I muttered, but followed her across to the soundstage without a fight. Was it my imagination, or had that made her smile just a little?
    “ Can I go to the workshop while you’re filming, please, and you can text me when you’re done?” she asked as she held the door open for me—having been too far ahead for me to get to the door first.
    I considered her request. “On an ongoing basis, or just today?”
    She opened her mouth, then shut it again. We ’d walked a good thirty feet before she answered, with an air of defeat, “Just today?”
    “ That’s fine. Give me your cell number so I can contact you when I finish.”
    She waited for me to get out my phone, then rattled off the number. “Thank you,” she added grudgingly. “If I’d said ‘from now on’, what would you have said?”
    “ That you’re my damn

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