Angel's Halo: Guardian Angel

Angel's Halo: Guardian Angel by Terri Anne Browning Read Free Book Online

Book: Angel's Halo: Guardian Angel by Terri Anne Browning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terri Anne Browning
bloodbath when fights broke out. No, the real surprise had been when someone had tried to rape one of the girls while everyone else was distracted.
    There were things that my club was known for. We did some not-so-nice things. You name it, we might or might not have our toes dipped into it. It was safe to say that we weren’t very nice people. However, when it came to the abuse of women and kids, we would kill before we let that kind of shit happen. Bash and Spider were notorious for how they handled the mistreatment of their employees at Paradise City. That someone had the balls to even attempt to hurt one of their girls like that told me loud and clear that that prick was either not from the area or had a death wish.
    “With all the excitement that had gone on from the fight, the fucker got away before Spider could get over there and deal with him,” Bash told me, his face set in hard lines. “So it took a while before we realized who it was. We had to go through all the videos from the cameras that we have around the place.”
    “Spit it out, Bash.”
    “It was Samson. He was the one that assaulted Kelli.”
    Everything inside of me went instantly cold. I turned away from my friend and club president. My fists clenched at my sides as I fought back the images of Gracie lying on the damn pool table with Samson and some other dirty sonofabitch standing over her, getting ready to hurt and humiliate her in a way no woman should ever have to experience.
    After letting me have a moment, Bash went on. “After a little digging, Spider found out that Samson knew that Paradise City was under club protection. After talking to some of the fuckers that were with him that night, we learned that he went in there supposedly looking for a fight. He was the one who instigated it, and then he snuck off to hurt Kelli.”
    I raked a hand through my hair, and then realized that I’d been doing that a lot all day and quickly dropped my hand before I started tearing my hair out. Turning back around, I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to remember what Kelli looked like. I’d only been over to the strip club a few times in my younger years. Why would I want to go over there and pay for some gash to take her clothes off when I had club sheep begging me for free at the clubhouse any time I wanted it?
    “She’s new,” Bash supplied when I just gave him a blank look. “Not the normal type we hire over there but Topaz felt sorry for her or some shit. Kelli is still a kid, not even nineteen yet. Attends the community college and apparently takes care of her family. I don’t know her. Only met her twice since I’ve been back. Raven says she’s talked to the girl a few times when she’s been over there doing the books. Kelli isn’t her real name, of course, and I didn’t bother to ask what it actually is.” He thrust his hands into his front pockets and shook his dark head. “The point is that Kelli has some physical features that are similar to Gracie’s. Dark red hair, skin tone, height and build.”
    Bile churned in my gut. “So he knew that his raping her would get back to us. To me.”
    “Yeah,” Bash confirmed with a grim nod of his head. “He was making a statement.”
    My hands balled into fists, but I didn’t so much as blink in reaction. I couldn’t keep going off the deep end when that fucker could be watching and looking for any sign that he was getting to me. “What about the threats Spider’s been looking into? On the bar and the clubhouse?” There had been a few other places that had been on the list that Samson and his friends were talking about hitting since we had torched their frat house. The most likely places that they were going to hit were the clubhouse or the bar.
    No one was going to be happy if they targeted the clubhouse, but it would be pure mayhem if they got the bar. It was where we held church on Friday nights, but it was also where so many called home for a few hours every damn night. The

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