Anywhere But Here

Anywhere But Here by Stephanie Hoffman McManus Read Free Book Online

Book: Anywhere But Here by Stephanie Hoffman McManus Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Hoffman McManus
but shit back then messed with him bad and most days I think he’s still trying to deal.”
    I knew all about that. Didn’t matter how long ago it was, the effects were long lasting and far reaching.
    Derek was almost finished when I heard someone come into the shop. It only took a moment to realize Kellen was back. I tensed and Derek felt it. “Almost done. I’ll have you out of here in no time. Just relax.”
    “Who’s he got back there?” Kellen’s voice was loud enough to reach us clearly.
    This time it was Derek who tensed, the needle stilling momentarily.
    “What the fuck!” Now Kellen sounded more than a little pissed.
    “Told you he wouldn’t like it,” Derek murmured.
    “Just shut up and finish,” I breathed as heavy footsteps thudded this way. “Kellen Nash I swear to Jesus, Joseph and Mary that if you pull back that curtain, I will stab you with Derek’s needle.”
    The footsteps stopped and Kellen uttered a string of curses under his breath. The needle stopped again and I heard Derek’s soft chuckle, before he muttered. “He’s really going to kill me now.”
    The sting of the needle returned, and within two minutes, he was pulling away, saying, “There, all done.”
    He wheeled his chair around, two handheld mirrors in his hand. He gave me one and held one over my back and we moved them around until I could see the finished work. “I love it. Thank you,” I said softly. He gave a single nod, and then went to work bandaging it carefully. When it was finished, he asked if I wanted him to send in one of the girls to help me redress. I declined the offer and he left me alone. Forgoing the bra, I carefully slipped my loose tee on and then shoved the under garment in my purse.
    I steeled myself and then drew the curtain back, avoiding the heated pair of eyes I could feel burning my skin. “How much do I owe you, Derek?” I walked over to where he was leaning against the counter.
    “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
    “Isn’t that sweet,” Kellen sneered. I squeezed my eyes shut, sucking in a deep breath.
    “Man, it’s not like that and you know it,” Derek retorted.
    Not wanting to listen to whatever argument was going to ensue, I reached into my purse, pulled out a fifty and thrust it at Derek. “Here.” I didn’t even wait for him to take it. I just let it fall to the floor and hurried to get out of there.
    “Is that a tip for services rendered?” This time Kellen’s dig was aimed solely at me.
    I froze, spun and marched toward him, letting the walls down on the anger I was holding inside. “You don’t get to say a word. You painted a naked picture of me on your damn wall,” I screeched, flinging my hand out to point at the angel with the faint but oddly specific birth mark on her hip that I’d missed the first time because it was almost covered by one of the wings and the same pert little nose and barely tinted green eyes I saw in the mirror every day.
    His lips parted and I narrowed my gaze, just daring him to deny it. His mouth snapped shut and his mouth pulled into a tight line.
    It was my turn to storm out and leave him standing there.

    April 29
    Present . . .
    “What the fuck man?” I practically shouted once she was out the door.
    “Take it the fuck down a notch.” He bent and retrieved the bill from where it landed on the floor. “You’re acting like a jackass for no reason.” He pocketed the money.
    “Why did you have her behind the curtain?” I was being irrational, but it didn’t matter. She came out of there obviously braless, which meant he was in there with her topless. How the hell was she okay with that when she couldn’t even stand to look at me, let alone allow me anywhere near her?
    “Calm down and think about what it is you’re asking me. You know damn well you’re overreacting. I inked a little fucking bird on her back. That’s it. Didn’t see or touch shit besides that. Although, I don’t see how it matters

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