Assassin's Blade

Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas Read Free Book Online

Book: Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah J. Maas
Tags: Teen Paranormal
foolish as attacking Rolfe’s men in their own warehouse?”
    It was now or never. She hadn’t wanted to involve him, but … now that her plans had changed, she needed his help.
    “I might do something as foolish as freeing the slaves,” she said.
    Sam went so still that he might have been turned into stone. “I knew you were thinking up something—but freeing them …”
    “I’m going to do it with or without you.” She’d only intended to ruin the deal, but from the moment she’d walked into that warehouse tonight, she’d known she couldn’t leave the slaves there.
    “Rolfe will kill you,” Sam said. “Or Arobynn will, if Rolfe doesn’t first.”
    “I have to try,” she said.
    “Why?” Sam stepped close enough that she needed to tilt her head back to see his face. “We’re assassins. We kill people. We destroy lives every day.”
    “We have a choice,” she breathed. “Maybe not when we were children—when it was Arobynn or death—but now … Now you and I have a choice in the things we do. Those slaves were just taken . They were fighting for their freedom, or lived too close to a battlefield, or some mercenaries passed through their town and stole them. They’re innocent people.”
    “And we weren’t?”
    Something icy pierced her heart at the glimmer of memory. “We kill corrupt officials and adulterous spouses; we make it quick and clean. These are entire families being ripped apart. Every one of these people used to be somebody.”
    Sam’s eyes glowed. “I’m not disagreeing with you. I don’t like the idea of this at all. Not just the slaves, but Arobynn’s involvement.And those children …” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “But we’re just two people—surrounded by Rolfe’s pirates.”
    She gave him a crooked grin. “Then it’s good that we’re the best. And,” she added, “it’s good that I’ve been asking him so many questions about his plans for the next two days.”
    Sam blinked. “You realize this is the most reckless thing you’ve ever done, right?”
    “Reckless, but maybe the most meaningful, too.”
    Sam stared at her long enough for heat to flood her cheek, as if he could see right inside of her—see everything. The fact that he didn’t turn away from whatever he saw made her blood thrum in her veins. “I suppose if we’re going to die, it should be for a noble cause,” he said.
    She snorted, using it as an excuse to step away from him. “We’re not going to die. At least, not if we follow my plan.”
    He groaned. “You already have a plan?”
    She grinned, then told him everything. When she finished, he only scratched his head. “Well,” he admitted, sitting on the sand, “I suppose that’d work. We’d have to time it right, but …”
    “But it could work.” She sat beside him.
    “When Arobynn finds out …”
    “Leave Arobynn to me. I’ll figure out how to deal with him.”
    “We could always just … not return to Rifthold,” Sam suggested.
    “What, run away?”
    Sam shrugged. Though he kept his eyes on the waves, she could have sworn a blush darkened his cheeks. “He might very well kill us.”
    “If we ran away, he’d hunt us for the rest of our lives. Even if we took different names, he’d find us.” As if she could leave her entire life behind! “He’s invested too much money in us—and we’ve yet to pay him back entirely. He’d see it as a bad investment.”
    Sam’s gaze drifted northward, as if he could see the sprawlingcapital city and its towering glass castle. “I think there’s more at work here than this trade agreement.”
    “What do you mean?”
    Sam traced circles in the sand between them. “I mean, why send the two of us here in the first place? His excuse for sending us was a lie. We’re not instrumental to this deal. He could just as easily have sent two other assassins who aren’t at each other’s throats all the time.”
    “What are you implying?”
    Sam shrugged. “Perhaps Arobynn wanted

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