
Aura by M.A. Abraham Read Free Book Online

Book: Aura by M.A. Abraham Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.A. Abraham
sure they will appreciate that every bit as much as I would."

"They know the way of battle and they will not hesitate to follow my example."

Nor would they hesitate to do all they could to make sure their Lord was safe.  Vernon knew that and felt safe in teasing his friend about it.  Thorn, being a strong and respected leader, attracted only the best warriors.  It was a following that a weaker man would envy, though he, Vernon, only admired.  As far as he was concerned: the stronger his supporting forces were, the stronger he was, and as Thorn chose to pledge his allegiance to him that made him even more powerful than most.

"Edmund, to my side."  The signal was given and Thorn's elite fight guard fell into place.  It was time to put the finishing touches to the battle.  Thorn had found that after a battle, the less there was of the enemy to regroup, the less criminals there would be to patrol for, and the safer his people would be. 

Another skirmish two miles further should have ended this particular exercise, but it did not quite work out that way.  Confronted by the superior numbers and force of Thorn's men, the group split even more, and Thorn ordered his own men to do likewise, despite Edmund's objections.

"You are spreading your men too thin Thorn and thus leaving yourself open to attack.  This could be just a trap to lure you away from the rest of us."

"Are you questioning my command?"  Thorn snapped, though he felt no challenge from his brother.

"No, but you must admit, the possibility does exist."

"I know, but this is not the time."

"You are too well known Thorn, and too sought after.  An ambush could happen at any time.  I want to ride with you to protect your back."

"There are only two men brother, I need no one at my back.  I send you with two men to bring down seven.  Now ride, do as you are commanded, for until I move from the family estates I am still over lord."  With that Thorn pulled on the reigns and spurred his horse in another direction.

Edmund tossed Thorn a frown then galloped after his own men.  Thorn could understand Edmund’s anxiety, they were brothers and they were a close family unit.  Edmund was the worrier, Thorn the one who moved forward, albeit not recklessly.  Edmond knew this and he trusted his brother’s judgment, as did everyone else who knew him.  He had proven himself over the years.

Feeling as if they were being pursued by the devil himself the men zigzagged through the forest that skirted the battle zone, yet each time they changed their direction, so did their pursuer.  It was enough for them to pray that their over lord would soon join them, for they knew that if the Lord Thorn caught up with them before they reached help they were dead men.

"That man has a nose like a hound."  One of the men complained to the other as they changed direction again.

"Save your breath in case he catches us, for the ensuing battle.  He won’t give us a choice of what we want.  If he defeats us, he will cut out our throats.  Who got us into this in the first place?"

“If you care to remember at all it was you, thought why I am not quite sure.  I think you wanted to impress the over lord if I am not mistaken.  Well, he isn’t here.  We are.  Ask me if I am impressed.”

“Some form of help should be forthcoming, even if it is not from our Lord.  Surely we were not the only ones who ran from that hellish battle.  I am sure I saw a whole contingent of others leave with us.”

“Yes, and as soon as they saw who was chasing us they all scattered like leaves in the wind.  It is just our luck we ended up with the Lord Thorn on our tail, in person.  He could have chased after any of the others with my blessing.”

“I have fought him before, he always goes after the smallest group himself.  It never fails.”

“So you say,” the other man puffed as he again changed direction, passing a couple of comrades as he did.

Thorn saw the

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