Hammer & Nails

Hammer & Nails by Andria Large Read Free Book Online

Book: Hammer & Nails by Andria Large Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andria Large
“This,” I whisper against her lips before kissing her.
    Harley instantly melts against me, her hands fisting the front of my shirt. Her lips part and I take what she is offering. Our tongues meet and it sends a jolt of lust straight to my groin. I let the hand that is on her waist slide down to cup her ass. I pull her body flush against mine and moan at the contact. I haven’t wanted a woman this badly in…well ever.
    Her hands snake up my chest and shoulders to tangle into my hair. The bite of her blunt nails on my scalp has me gasping into her mouth. I move the hand that is cupping her face down her body. I go slowly, taking in the feel of her. My thumb grazes over the side of her breast before gliding ever so slowly over her ribs and hip. I grab her ass with both hands and tug her more firmly against my achingly hard cock. She moans, her fingers tightening in my hair.
    Someone on the street yells for us to get a room, which has us smiling against each other’s mouths. Harley slowly pulls back and looks up at me, her green eyes heavy lidded with desire.
    “Why did you kiss me?” she asks.
    “I didn’t want you to be the only one she looked at like that,” I say and motion with my head toward the woman who is looking downright scandalized now.
    Harley glances over her shoulder at her again and bursts out laughing at the look on the lady’s face. She turns back to me with a grateful smile. “Thanks,” she murmurs and extracts herself from my arms. “But you can’t just keep kissing me whenever you feel like it. Especially when you don’t even like me. It’s weird.” She gives my chest a playful swat.
    I follow her when she starts for the car. “I never said that I didn’t like you,” I mutter and make my way around to the driver’s side.
    Harley gives me a “Get real” look over the hood. “Please, you didn’t actually have to say it.”
    I unlock the car so we can get in.
    “You’re just…so…” I start, looking for the right word.
    Harley waits, her eyebrows raised, an expectant look on her face.
    “…Hard to handle. I’ve never dealt with anyone like you before,” I try to explain.
    She smirks, her eyes glittering with amusement. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
    I snort as I start the car.
    “I obviously find you attractive, though,” I tell her, making sure to catch her eye so that she knows I’m serious.
    Is that a blush I see creeping up her cheeks?
    “Well, I would hope that was at least one of your reasons for kissing me twice now,” she says with an uncomfortable giggle, like she’s trying to play off her discomfort at my previous words.
    “So, should we go back and get the other table then?” I ask, changing the subject to save her from more discomfort.
    She brightens up immediately. “Yes!”
    I smirk. “Okay.”

    ~ Five ~
    ~ Harley ~
    “How is the Hammerstein project coming along?” my dad, John Jameson, asks me.
    “It’s slow going. The house keeps throwing me wrenches. I just found water damage in the floorboards of the upstairs bathroom. Now I have to pull up the subfloor, which wasn’t in the original plans.” I sigh.
    We are sitting in the living room at my dad’s house, waiting on my brothers to show up for dinner.
    “And you’re only a month in. Do you think it’s going to set back your timeline?”
    “If I keep finding more problems, yeah, it’s going to set me back. But that’s the problem with old houses; there are all kinds of surprises behind the walls.”
    “How has Mr. Hammerstein been?” he asks, cocking an eyebrow in question.
    I told my dad about how bad we were butting heads in the beginning. And even though I still annoy the shit out of Nolan, it doesn’t seem like he hates me anymore.
    “Nolan’s fine. He’s been helping out here and there,” I tell him.
    “Nolan, huh? You’re on a first name basis with him now?” he says with an amused snort.
    I shrug and fight the blush sliding up my cheeks.
    “I’d like to

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