Bailey Bradford - Southwestern Shifters 08 - Revenge

Bailey Bradford - Southwestern Shifters 08 - Revenge by Bailey Bradford Read Free Book Online

Book: Bailey Bradford - Southwestern Shifters 08 - Revenge by Bailey Bradford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bailey Bradford
“That’s…that’s cannibalism!”
That stopped the laughter. Nathan cut his eyes at Ryder. “No, it isn’t. It’s medicine that saved my mate’s life. It isn’t devouring the flesh of our brethren, and we don’t want anyone to think it is. Can you imagine if word got out? How many shifters would think it was worth trying, worth killing and eating another, or making capsules out of their remains, if it meant giving them more power or healing them when they were hurt? Or”—Nathan gestured towards Ryder—“if they knew it would turn a human into a shifter, no biting or blood involved?”
“It does that?” Ryder felt ill. There were people who would certainly abuse it, if they got hold of the capsules, and yes, ones who would think it might work with anyone’s body as long as they were shifters. “And if humans learnt of it…”
“We’d be slaughtered,” Marcus finished. “All of my power, all the powers of shifters worldwide, wouldn’t be enough to face the paranoia and greed of humans. We are vastly outnumbered.”
Ryder shivered and glanced at the pill again. For something so small, it held such great power. “You could have not told me. It might have been worth sleepless nights.”
Marcus shook his head slowly. “No. You want the power, you want to prove yourself. There is great responsibility with both.”
“I feel like the fate of all shifters is on my shoulders now,” Ryder muttered, knowing it was melodramatic but unable to keep the words to himself.
Marcus smiled. “Welcome to my world.”
Ryder ran a hand through his hair and winced. What a huge responsibility . “Man, you really think I can do it, lead a whole continent of shifters who’ve been born into their society when I hardly know anything about it?”
* * * *
    Shania quietly left the office as Marcus tried not to let his exasperation show. He hated to give in to his frustration, but Ryder needed to have some faith in himself, needed to see what Marcus saw in him. “Yes, I do, and I’m not a fool, am I?”
    Ryder paled and had the decency to look ashamed. “Uh, no, and I didn’t mean to imply that you were.”
Marcus decided to let the matter drop before Ryder’s confidence sank any lower. “Tell me what you can about the shifter who got away. At this point, I can’t figure whether he would be a friend or enemy. It bothers me, not knowing. It’s difficult to prepare for something I’ve no knowledge of.”
“I wish I could help you out, I really do,” Ryder said earnestly.
While Marcus appreciated Ryder’s need to earn his favour, it wasn’t an uncommon reaction from shifters less powerful than he was. It was the nature of their beasts, to submit to the stronger wolf. The fact was, any loyal shifter would do almost anything to please him. Sexual favours were obviously never a possibility. Marcus and Nathan were all each other needed.
“Remember the feeling you have right now,” Marcus told Ryder. “I can see it in your eyes, your entire manner, really. You want so badly to please me.”
“I do.” Ryder glanced down as if he were embarrassed. “Does that mean I’m weak?”
Hadn’t they covered that very same question before? Marcus remembered Ryder fretting over appearing weak when he’d first been brought to the compound. Patience , Marcus warned himself. “No, it means your wolf understands the order of the pack, and with time, when you are comfortable in the position you will achieve, he will see us as equals, as will you.”
“If I’m ever in the position to have such authority, I swear I’ll never abuse it. I want to be honourable, loyal.” Ryder bobbed his head in emphasis.
“You already are,” Marcus said, pleased at the way Ryder was accepting the changes in his life now that he had somewhere to learn and relax in. “Now, is there anything else you can remember about the missing shifter? Anything at all, even if it’s gossip you overheard.”
“I didn’t hang around Drake or the others once I

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