
Battlefield by J. F. Jenkins Read Free Book Online

Book: Battlefield by J. F. Jenkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. F. Jenkins
everything else. “So we have the brains of our operation, and the obligatory awesomely powerful one who can do anything, and me. I didn’t get any powers yesterday. At least, I didn’t get any that I’m aware of.”
    â€œOh,” the other two said quietly in unison.
    â€œIt’ll come. We can still talk logistics and strategy, although I don’t know what we’re supposed to be doing exactly. I guess we wait for our hot alien friend to fill us in on those details, huh?” Cadence said with a weak smile.
    JD’s jaw tightened, and he was about to say something when, as if on cue, Alan spoke.
    â€œYes,” his voice came from nowhere. The trio searched the room for him, but came up dry.

Chapter Five
    Orlando scowled and a slight growl escaped his lips. “Where are you? Show yourself instead of playing mind games with us. Especially if you want our help with this ever-precious and important grand mission of peace you’ve chosen us for.”
    â€œMy apologies.” Alan materialized before them in the middle of the room and took a good look around. Much like before, he still appeared in nothing but shades of red. Thankfully though, he wasn’t on fire or glowing. He still, however, needed to put on more clothes.
    â€œYour home is quite nice. I didn’t mean to startle you or appear deceptive. I thought perhaps my vocal presence would be less frightening than my physical one, considering my previous manifestation seemed to trouble you. I will not make this assumption again,” Alan said.
    â€œIt was scary before because you demolished the roof of the mall and almost killed us. Why didn’t you just poof your way down to begin with?” Orlando said.
    Alan tilted his head to the side. “Poof?”
    â€œHe means teleported, or however it was you got in here. You appeared out of nowhere instead of making a big, messy entrance. We wanted to know why you didn’t keep it simple like this the first time,” Cadence said.
    Alan nodded slowly. “Yes, I understand now. I was not yet in your atmosphere. My teleportation abilities, as you called them, are limited.”
    Orlando asked the most important question of them all. “So what now?”
    â€œNow I will explain your mission,” Alan said. His tone grew more serious as he spoke in a slow, quiet voice. “Everything happening between my people will not only affect our world, but your own. You see, the two warring tribes are manipulating your species into doing their bidding, and it is much more than just talking to them and telling them about their ‘special abilities’. It involves illegal and unethical things as well.
    â€œWhat we would like for you to do is find the instruments of these tribes and stop them from doing their work. While you are not law enforcement of any kind as of yet, you can still do everything in your power to make sure they are punished for their crimes.”
    â€œI’m not quite sure how well that’s going to work. Even if we gain the skills to do what you’re asking, it sounds dangerous,” Orlando said, and rubbed at his arms. This sounded more complex and frightening by the minute. He didn’t know if he wanted to do it.
    JD shook his head. “You need to relax, man. We’ll be trained in how to do all of this, right?”
    Alan nodded. “Yes, of course.”
    â€œSee?” JD said as if that was supposed to make everything better. Orlando wanted to stick a needle into his bubble and give him a small dose of reality. This wasn’t a comic book, a movie, or a video game. Still, Orlando found himself wanting to at least hear their visitor out. He had powers now, and the only people he could turn to were in the room with him. Alan was by far the most knowledgeable in the matter, and a little training in how to control what he did would be useful. How long he planned to stick around was another story

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