Kiss Me, Katie

Kiss Me, Katie by Monica Tillery Read Free Book Online

Book: Kiss Me, Katie by Monica Tillery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Monica Tillery
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Young Adult
the meantime. There hadn’t been enough time to get the room secured, so Katie had to get ready on board the bus.
    Her band mates had given her plenty of grief over the way the steam from her shower had perfumed the bus, how the outfits she rejected for the date were strewn over her bunk, and how her makeup was all over the table in the front lounge. Their teasing had embarrassed her, but now that she was alone in the bus, everyone else having gone off to find entertainment, she wished that the guys were still with her. At least their good-natured ribbing had distracted her enough to forget how nervous she was for a little while. Blake was due to collect her soon, but now the minutes were dragging by and her nerves were keeping her on edge.
    Katie’s heart jumped into her throat at the sound of Blake’s soft knock on the bus’s door. She got to her feet, not completely sure that her legs would carry her in her frazzled state, and made her way to the door to greet him. She took the hand that he offered to help her walk down the steps and wondered if he felt the same jolt of electric attraction that she felt when their skin touched.
    Blake looked down at Katie and kissed her forehead softly. He breathed in the scent of her hair and said, “Hey beautiful. It’s good to see you again.” His voice was husky and his dark blue eyes were intense.
    “Hey yourself,” said Katie. “It’s good to see you too.” She felt a lump form in her throat as she met his gaze then looked away, scanning the parking lot. “Did you drive?”
    “That’s me over there,” he said, pointing to a black Mercedes Benz S Class. “My assistant arranged a rental for me while we’re in town. Shall we?” Blake offered his hand and Katie took it. She grinned up at him when he gave her hand a little squeeze. He opened her car door for her and waited while she slid into the luxurious leather seat before closing it for her.
    “I’ve never been in a car this nice before,” Katie said as she looked around the vehicle’s interior. The car’s air conditioner blew deliciously cool air on her face, and Katie’s heart squeezed a little when she realized that her band’s CD was playing. Blake Jackson had a copy of her band’s album! And he was listening to it!
    “Yeah, it’s a pretty sweet ride, I guess. I prefer something a little more practical myself. I drive a pickup at home.”
    “Where’s home?” Katie angled herself so that she could face him a little better as Blake pulled out of the parking lot and into traffic. She enjoyed the opportunity to indulge herself and stare at him without interruption. His face looked freshly shaven, and the hair behind his ears was still a little damp. He might be as excited about their date as she was.
    “Nashville. My parents and older brother still live in Knoxville, where I grew up, but I moved out to Nashville as soon as I got serious about music. I love Knoxville, but at the time, I couldn’t see a way to really make it in country music without hitting Nashville. That’s where all the talent seems to get discovered. It paid off, I guess. Maybe I can take you to my place when we get to town. I haven’t been home in a couple of months but I have a guy who helps keep everything at the house running smoothly.”
    “I’d love to see your house, Blake. That would be really nice,” said Katie as she lowered her eyes shyly. It was hard not to get ahead of herself when everything he said sounded so cozy and romantic to her.
    “So you guys are from Orange Blossom, huh? I’ve actually got a little place out in Austin. I don’t get down there as much as I’d like, but I love it when I’m there, unless it’s summer, of course. I don’t know how you Texans stand that heat, it’s so brutal,” he said. “I’m surprised that I never caught one of your shows. I love the music scene in Austin, and I’m sure y’all played all over that town.” Blake glanced over at Katie and grinned before training

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