
Betrayal by Margaret Bingley Read Free Book Online

Book: Betrayal by Margaret Bingley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret Bingley
parents and mine spend half their social lives together. You were the only person I could think of who wasn't involved, except through me.'
    'Couldn't you go back once things have calmed down?'
    'No! I can't face seeing them again. It wouldn't be the same. Surely you can see that?'
    'The trouble is I do have to work.' He was beginning to sound impatient. 'When filming starts I have to be on set by seven and I'm often tied up until seven or eight at night.'
    'I won't mind being on my own,' she assured him. 'Besides, it won't be for long.'
    He had a nasty feeling that she was wrong about that but he didn't want to discourage her and kept his doubts to himself. They spent the rest of the day storing her luggage in cupboards and under any convenient table or shelf. In between work they made love twice, and he was amazed by her enthusiasm.
    When they were drifting off to sleep that night he wondered if perhaps this was going to turn out all right. A grateful and willing bed partner on tap day and night was rather appealing, and he could always go to his other women's houses when he wanted a change.
    His telephone rang at 4 a.m. Completely exhausted by the events of the day, Lisa didn't stir and it took Toby several minutes to locate the phone which was buried beneath two of her shoulder bags.
    'Yeah?' he mumbled, fumbling for a cigarette. 'Bishop here.'
    His stomach lurched and he dropped the unlit cigarette. 'Bishop?' 'Yes. You owe us, Walker. You owe us quite a debt.'
    'I don't know what you mean.'
    'We think you do. You'll be needed on 28th January from 7 p.m. on. Make sure you keep it clear.'
    'But I might be working.' ‘That’s our intention!'
    'At the studio, and they don't take too kindly to actors changing schedules.'
    'If you don't do as we say you won't have any schedule to keep. Actors of your calibre are two a penny, as I'm sure you know. We got you the job and we can just as easily take it away. After all, you have something of a drink problem.'
    'That's a bloody lie! I admit I used to knock it back a bit, but since
    I began this job I… '
    ‘Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic, Toby. Don't you remember what they told you at your group meetings?' 'Sod off you fucking nuisance!'
    'Remember, keep the 28th clear,' continued Bishop smoothly, totally oblivious to the insult. 'Incidentally, is she worth it?
    'I… '
    'I understand. Hard to say at this point in time, isn't it? After all, who knows what kind of a price you'll end up paying. One more thing. Make sure you look after her well.'
    'That's none of your business.'
    'I'm not the one who's telling you.'
    'I'm sorry, I… ' The line went dead, and when Lisa awoke at 8 a.m. he still hadn't managed to go back to sleep.
    She snuggled against him. 'How about breakfast in bed? Or would you prefer something else first?'
    'Just coffee,' he growled, wishing he'd never set eyes on her. She looked surprised but went into the tiny kitchen and started the percolator going. She quite enjoyed playing house. It was much more fun doing it on a small scale than learning how to plan a banquet for forty or a business dinner for twelve.
    When she took in his coffee he was reading through a script. She perched on the edge of the bed and looked over his shoulder. '"It's better for both of us that you tell me now,"' she read aloud in a pseudo-American accent, '"otherwise it will simply take longer and be far messier ." I don't believe it! How on earth do you manage to make words like that sound convincing?'
    'It's not that bad.'
    'I suppose you've got to defend it! Aren't you going to drink your coffee?'
    He had a momentary desire to fling it in her face but swallowed hard and picked up his cup. 'Lisa, I'd rather you didn't knock my work. It's difficult to suspend disbelief when someone's hooting with laughter in your ear.'
    'Don't other people laugh?' 'Not to my face.'
    'Then I'll let you play cops and robbers in peace. I wonder if I ought to ring Simon, make sure he's all

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