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Book: Bite by Deborah Castellano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deborah Castellano
just as he was about to leave her soft warmth, he felt her hands on his buttocks, holding him inside her, pulling him in deeper. He struggled with himself, desperate to continue their lovemaking and find his release, but equally determined not to take advantage and reject his vows. ‘We cannot,’ he told her.
    But Eva would not be deterred. She lifted her hips higher and lowered her hands, making it almost impossible for him to pull away. She whispered, ‘Please. Just this once. I want you to know the pleasure that I just felt. Everyone should experience such joy just once.’
    Eva then moved her hand between them and fondled Andreas. ‘Please. Let go,’ she whispered and then licked his nipple. And that was Andreas’s undoing. He rammed into her over and over, pushing himself further inside her, deeper than he had ever thought possible. The sensation was overwhelming as he found himself getting higher and higher towards his own climax. And then he heard Eva moan and felt an imperceptible shift inside her. She was going to find her release again.
    Just as Andreas was about to explode, he took Eva’s face in his hands and kissed her, gently but passionately. She hitched her breath and then screamed and then, finally, after 38 years of obedience and abstinence, he let go. Waves of pleasure washed over him as he filled her completely. He kept thrusting as the surge maintained its constant assault. He had never felt so liberated and exhilarated and satisfied at the same time, but he was so overwhelmed, he could hardly even make sense of what he was feeling.
    He now understood what he had been denying himself but was satisfied to know that for once – and only this once – he had, while doing his duty as a priest, reached the dizzying heights that other men knew and took for granted.
    He looked at Eva for confirmation and she smiled, laughed and cried, all at the same time. She was healed, she was happy, yet she too was sad that this would be the only time she would ever feel satisfied in this way. She wrapped her arms around him and brought his mouth down to hers for another kiss.
    For the next four hours, Andreas and Eva kissed and smiled and laughed and shared secrets they had never shared before. They discussed how this would strengthen their resolve towards God and their friendship with each other. They also made love twice more. Each time, they were both amazed by how perfectly they fitted together and the way their bodies reacted to each other’s touch. Then they both fell asleep in each other’s arms, sticky and sweaty and thoroughly satisfied.
    Tomorrow, they would both return to their duties and observe their vows, but for this brief moment in time only, each was the other’s soulmate and saviour. 

Unfinished Business
by Lucy Felthouse
    When Caitlyn first woke up, she didn’t notice anything amiss. It was only when she simultaneously stretched and opened her eyes that she realised something wasn’t right. For starters, she wasn’t in the same place she’d gone to bed. Blinking, she looked around the room and sleepily wondered if she’d been kidnapped by a vicar.
    She was in some kind of church. There were candelabras and flower arrangements dotted around, and despite the depressing music emanating from somewhere, it was incredibly peaceful. Looking down, Caitlyn got two shocks. One, she was in a coffin and two, she appeared to be both sitting up and lying down at the same time. Suddenly, she felt very awake.
    The lying-down Caitlyn had her eyes closed and looked even paler than usual. The sitting-up Caitlyn’s brain finally caught up and realised what had happened. To her credit, she didn’t freak out. She figured that although it sucked that she was dead at 25, if she was lying in a chapel of rest, there wasn’t really a lot she could do about it.
    What Caitlyn couldn’t understand was that physically, she didn’t feel any

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