Blackfin Sky
him,’ Cam shouted over the chirpy pop song which ended just as she added, ‘HE’S SUCH A MORON.’
Bo laughed her weird laugh in the brief silence that followed, which set Sky off, and soon she found that her party didn’t entirely suck. Someone graciously spiked the punch, and within an hour the three girls were happily mocking each other’s dance moves and rating the kissability of every boy in the room.
Every boy except Sean. Even though Sky kept shooting covert looks his way, she knew he was off-limits, being Cam’s brother. There were only eleven months between them, making Sean the oldest in their school year and Cam the youngest.
Sky watched Sean talking to some of the other boys on the football team, trying to lip-read as one of them teased him about something. Sean just rolled his eyes and smiled his cute, lopsided smile. And then he looked up and caught Sky smiling back at him, and she turned away guiltily.
‘I don’t know why you keep shooting him down,’ Bo’s voice pulled her attention back to her two best friends, and Sky saw that Cam had also noticed her watching Sean.
Sky blushed. ‘I don’t keep shooting him down! And it’s a moot point, anyway. Sean doesn’t think about me that way.’
Bo’s hand shot up. ‘I call bullshit.’
Cam made a show of being upset, even going so far as to stamp her foot. ‘But I was just about to call bullshit!’
Sky laughed in spite of herself. ‘Fine, he flirts with me a little, but he flirts with everyone.’ Incredulous looks settled on her best friends’ faces. ‘What? He does!’
‘He really doesn’t. And he joined the chess team, for God’s sake. Why the hell would he do that, if not to spend time with you?’
‘Maybe he likes chess.’
‘Nobody actually likes chess,’ Cam answered, then added before Sky could contradict her, ‘except you. And no offence, but that’s kind of the least cool thing about you.’
Bo laughed her usual hollow bray. Sky’s hand had somehow made its way to her hip, and she tried to make it appear casual. ‘But that doesn’t mean anything. So maybe Sean likes me a little – he’s never asked me out on a date or anything. Well, not seriously. And what about Bridget di Sola?’
Bo sighed dramatically. ‘They went on one date. Besides, you can’t expect him to stay celibate on the off-chance that you’ll figure out he has been serious the zillion times he’s asked you out.’ Sky felt like she’d been sucker-punched, but Bo just laughed. ‘Oh, relax. I’m not saying he shagged Bridget di Sola. I mean, he might have – she’s pretty much hot to death – but that’s not what I’m saying.’
Cam rolled her eyes as she leaned in to shout-whisper over the music, ‘There was no shagging involved, Sky, trust me. He’s not like that.’
Still, Sky’s stomach was a churning mess. It didn’t help that she looked up and caught sight of Sean across the gymnasium. The awkwardness was slightly diffused as he appeared to be trying to teach Charlie Volante, Sky’s regular partner in the school chess club, how to pop-n-lock. ‘So, you mean…? I mean, would you mind if…? No, no, it would be too weird…’
Cam shrugged, smiling as she watched Sean, who was trying not to laugh at Charlie popping a dubious set of moves in time with the music. ‘He’s my brother. Seeing him with anyone is weird. But I’ll get over it, especially if it’s you.’
Sky’s heart thudded out of step with the loud throbbing of the speakers as she lifted her eyes and caught Sean looking at her.
‘I dunno. Let’s just leave it for tonight, okay?’
‘Fine, golden girl. I’m going outside for a smoke.’ Bo didn’t wait for a response before turning on her spiked heels and heading out of the gym.
Cam squeezed her arm. ‘I really don’t mind, Sky. But whatever, that’s cool.’
Sky tried to put on a convincing smile. She and Cam half-danced to another track, but Sky could see Cam watching the door, probably wishing Bo would hurry up

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