lectured about Drew, big time.
I was so happy when my father finally stood up. I said my goodbyes to Dr. Barrett, hoping to get out of there before Ashton returned. "Dad, I'll wait for you at the car," I said when he and Dr. Barrett started up a whole new conversation about their surgery schedule for the week.
"Okay, I'll be right there," he replied, tossing his car keys at me.
I was almost out the door when I heard Ashton shout, “See ya, Becca! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" I walked as fast as I could out to the car and flopped myself into the passenger's seat. I pulled my phone from my purse and texted Drew back
Me: You're a very good teacher and you’re pretty cute, too .
I smiled as I hit the send button.
Drew: Thank you and I know on both statements......see, Becca, that's how it's done.
I wiped away the grin that was plastered across my face and put my phone away when I saw my dad approaching the car.
"Are you feeling okay? You didn't eat much." my dad asked as he got into the car.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just lost my appetite, I guess."
He backed out of the parking spot and waited until we were on the main road before the interrogation began. "So, what's going on with this Drew kid?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, apparently you've been spending a lot of time with him. I would just like to know a little more about him."
"He's just a really nice guy."
"A really nice guy who is probably only after one thing."
"Geez, Dad, really?"
"Becca, come on; you’re a beautiful girl. Guys your age only have one thing on their mind."
"Well, he's not like most guys my age."
"Oh Becca, don't let him fool you, they're all the same. I was that age at one time, you know?” I sighed heavily and looked out the window, hoping that he was done with his rant. “Your mother has talked to you about birth control, hasn’t she?"
"Oh Dad, I am NOT having this conversation with you!"
“Becca, why are you getting so embarrassed? Not that I want to think that you are doing such things, but if you are ever faced with that I want to know that you are protected and won’t be ruining your life by getting pregnant.”
“Dad, I am twenty one years old and a senior in college. I think I know all about birth control and the birds and the bees by now.” He was looking at me questionably. “And no, I’m not saying that I have done those things that require birth control….oh my God, I just cannot talk about this to you.”
“Becca, I’m a doctor and it’s a fact of life. You really don’t need to get embarrassed discussing these things.”
“Fine, if you must know….I’ve been on the pill since I was seventeen.” He raised his eyebrow in alarm. “Mom and the doctor decided that would be the best route for me to take, to help with some problems I was having with…..well, you know the thing that comes after a sentence.” I felt my face instantly turn red, but if it would get him off the subject and put his mind at ease then it was all worth it.
He sighed in relief and concentrated deeply on the road before speaking again. “So when can I pencil you in for our next tennis match?”
That little bit of humiliation worked like a charm; he had gone completely off topic. I knew I may have won this battle with him, but something told me that the war was just beginning.
After much convincing, I had let Drew talk me into going to a party on the beach. I really didn't want to attend, mainly because I knew exactly who would be there. But I put my desire to hang out with Drew over my hatred for Ashton. Plus, I knew Krista would be there as well and since she had been on me about not spending any time together since I came home, I figured this would be a good opportunity. Even though I knew she would more than likely get drunk off her ass and end up leaving with whatever guy was paying her the most attention. She and I were complete opposites and sometimes….actually a lot of times, I found myself