Blood, Body and Mind

Blood, Body and Mind by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online

Book: Blood, Body and Mind by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
Tags: Romance
with fruitcakes like you.”
    “ It’s my house, so it doesn’t apply.” He did not know whether to laugh or scream at her. “Are you going to answer me, or do I break the door down? I’ll tell you now, Sara, it’ll go better for you all around if you open the door. I’m not going to be very happy with you if I have to resort to busting my door down.”
    “ First of all, why should I care if you bust in your own flippin’ door? You’d have to pay for it, dumb ass. Secondly, I hurt. Why can’t you just leave me alone? I just need to sit here for a little while to rest. Damn it, you are the most aggravating man I’ve ever...Go away!”
    He smiled. Damn, but she had a smart mouth. Tasty too, he remembered.
    “ Hurt how, Sara? Let me in, I need to see you.”
    He heard a pleading tone in his voice because he realized he really did need to see her. He wasn’t sure if it was because he wanted to strangle her or kiss her senseless. Either way, he needed the door open. He was getting the barest whiff of her now, the calla lilies and honey that seemed to be her smell to him. He drew in a deeper breath, opening his mouth so as to get the taste of her on his tongue. And despite his not wanting a mate, all he could think was, mine.
    Aaron was nearly at the door-breaking point when he felt a presence behind him. He turned and saw April, and she had Duncan with her. Neither looked very happy.
    “ My lord, what’s the matter?” April asked him. There was a tone there. He could hear it, but could not for the life of him understand it.
    “ Sara said she hurts. She won’t open the door. Damn stubborn girl. She’d rather stay in there and hurt instead of letting someone help her. Are all women like this?” He turned toward the door again and hit it hard with his fist. “I won’t have it, you hear me, Sara? I won’t have it!”
    “ The whole house can hear you, you arrogant ass. I swear to...” She sobbed and he felt it all the way into his soul. “Will you fucking go away? I just wanna sit here. Why are you doing this to me?”
    Maybe , he thought, if I piss her off enough, she will come out to me.
    “ Me? I’m not doing anything. Yet, anyway. But as soon as I can, I’m gonna paddle your ass but good. Now, open this door.”
    He stepped back slightly and started to press his strength against the frame when April pecked him on the shoulder. He moved over to allow her to try. But paddling Sara’s butt was sounding better and better all the time.
    “ Sara, honey, it’s April. Will you open the door, please? You’ve worried us all quite enough.”
    “ What’s going on?” Demetrius asked as he, too, made his way in the room.
    Just great, he thought, Now all they needed was—
    “ Hello, everyone. Are we having a party up here then?” Colin Larimore, Aaron’s best friend since the late nineteen hundreds, crowded into the room.
    Aaron, still standing close to the door, heard her say, “For the love of St. Peter, is there, oh, I don’t know, maybe a gardener or two who isn’t in here we can bring in? I’m pretty sure that there are quite a few more people you can cram in this room to witness my ongoing humiliation. Why did I even get out of the stupid plane?”
    Aaron laughed. He had not laughed this much in years. “No, everyone is here, love. Now, will you please open the door for us?”
    Aaron could hear her moving around. Hopefully, she was coming to the door, because he was not going to be able to stay still for much longer. He stepped back just as he heard the lock disengage.
    “ I didn’t bring my clothes in, so all I have is a towel. I don’t want any comments from you,” he felt her whisper through his mind.
    Every time she did that, he was surprised. The only time two people of his kind could communicate through mental communication was when they had exchanged blood or had sex. They had done neither, yet.
    “ I’ll keep quiet, I promise. Now, open the door and come out here before I come in

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