Branded as Trouble

Branded as Trouble by Lorelei James Read Free Book Online

Book: Branded as Trouble by Lorelei James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorelei James
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Western, western romance, Red Hots!
eyebrow at her. “Like what?”
    “Things.” Domini waved her off distractedly. “Anyway, you have to put in an appearance. This is a fundraiser for the community and you need to show your support.”
    “By donating a free tattoo to the highest bidder?”
    “Better that than a week’s worth of cooking lessons.”
    India knew who’d submit the winning bid for the private lessons, no matter how much it cost, even if he had to rig the results.
    “Just promise you won’t ditch me. I probably won’t know many people.” The folks she knew through A.A. were an odd lot, she wasn’t sure they’d admit to knowing her outside the meetings.
    “You’ll know everyone,” Domini said. “Isn’t your sister going to be there?”
    “No. Sky Blue just donated a gift basket to the auction. Skylar and Kade don’t have time to turn around since the twins came along.”
    “Ah. Then you are welcome to hang out with me.”
    “You and who else? Because if Cat is going to be there? No thanks, I’ll pass.” Domini’s boss was a real piece of work.
    “Cat is out of town on another trip to Denver, remember?”
    Domini sniffed. “It’s Nadia, Anton and me. With him I’m guaranteed a dance partner.”
    “Until he hits the sugar crash stage from too much Kool-Aid.”
    India turned sideways in the mirror. The skinny jeans looked good, but the shirt? No way. “I don’t know which one of us is more 55

    Lorelei James
    pathetic, Dom. You, for having a six-year-old boy as a date, or me, for even trying to cover up my tattoos with this long-sleeved blouse.”
    Domini moved in behind her. Man, the woman was tall. In bare feet she towered over India’s five-foot-four by a good six inches.
    “Why would you cover your skin in tattoos and then freak out about people looking at them? Show them off.”
    “Good point.” India unbuttoned the plain white blouse and tossed it on the bed. She rummaged through her closet until she found her favorite sleeveless shirt, a delicate silk, covered with a bold oriental floral pattern. As she pulled it on over her head, she noticed Domini looking at her chest. “What?”
    “This may be none of my business, but did it hurt when you umm…pierced your bradavka ?”
    “My what?”
    A blush stole across Domini’s cheeks, turning her icy blue eyes even more vivid. “Your nipples.”
    “Oh. I don’t remember, it’s been so long. Why? You thinking of having it done?”
    “No! I mean, I don’t know. I would like to know if it makes…things more pleasurable?”
    “Things…meaning sex?”
    Domini nodded, blushing harder.
    “It’s an added bonus if your breasts are sensitive. Especially if you have a lover who knows what he’s doing. Who understands your balance point between pleasure and pain.”

    Branded As Trouble
    “I’ve never had a lover give me what I really want.” She looked away.
    India waited, hoping Domini would say something else. When she didn’t, India let it drop. “Are we ready?”
    “I am.”
    They opted to drive to the community center. Upon seeing all the trucks and cars spilling out into the street and filling up the parking lot of St. Winifred’s Catholic Church, they figured they might’ve been better off walking.
    The band had set up in the back. Tables along the near wall were piled with cookies and bars; on the far wall the tables were crammed with auction items.
    Nadia waved and Domini headed to the table. India hung back, her eyes scanning the crowd for a familiar face.
    No, for the familiar face.
    Lots of dark-haired men, but not the one she was looking for.
    She bulled her way through the crowd, smiling at the folks she knew, ignoring the pointed stares of the ones she didn’t. She finally saw a face she recognized. Buck McKay, her sister’s brother-in-law.
    Sometimes India forgot Buck and Kade were identical twins because their personalities were so different. Heck, to her, they didn’t even look

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