Blood Born

Blood Born by Jamie Manning Read Free Book Online

Book: Blood Born by Jamie Manning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Manning
want to be normal.” Chance nodded in agreement, but kept focused on the road. I tried to imagine myself being someone important or dignified or popular; anything but a blood-sucking monster trying to pass as human. Of course, being a vampire would probably come easier than fitting in as just an average teenager. I didn’t know which would be worse, but I was about to find out soon.

    McCarver High School looked how I had hoped but feared it wouldn’t; absolutely ordinary. A large, red brick building with tall windows and double-doors, surrounded by lush trees and a parking lot filling up with cars, was sprawled out before us as we turned in. I don’t know what exactly I had been expecting, but plain and un-intimidating wasn’t it. I let the air I had been holding captive escape from my lungs and actually calmed down a bit as Chance wheeled his truck into a space farthest from the building as possible. Not that I minded the walk—it would help me stay in shape, though I had a feeling hunting vampires was going to do plenty of that—but I found it a bit odd. With almost every space at the front of the building empty, why would he choose to park so far out? I didn’t have time to ponder an answer. We climbed—well I climbed, he just stepped out—from his truck and began the trek across the black-topped parking lot, the frigid winter air swirling around me in a frenzy. I could smell blood instantly, its alluring and inviting scent invading my senses like an alien being. I swallowed the lump in my throat and forced my mind to ignore it, which was difficult to say the least. My stomach was fighting my body for freedom, trying to climb its way out of my throat as my nerves came rushing back. I kept swallowing hard to force it back down.
    “Just relax,” Chance said, his voice deep and sexy and very calming. “You’ll be fine.” I felt his hand brush mine—almost like he wanted to hold hands—but quickly move away. Even that tiny touch made me shiver.
    “Promise?” I asked, sounding more like a child asking her dad if she was going to get a pony for Christmas.
    We entered the school mixed with a dense crowd of scrambling teenagers, Chance standing tall and wide, I with my breath held tightly in my chest. I wanted to wrap myself around his arm and let him guide me through the maelstrom, but I resisted. Even though he had saved my life and had given me no reason not to, I didn’t fully trust him. Not yet, anyway. So I kept to myself as the barrage of warm bodies mulled around me, voices and smells coalescing in my brain. Chance had been right; even though I could smell blood, it wasn’t overpowering my control. I was okay. So far.
    “You ready?” he asked just outside what I assumed was our first class. His voice was both calm and rushed at the same time. Obviously he wasn’t as laid back as he looked.
    “As I’ll ever be,” I answered, taking a couple of deep breaths. Chance opened the door and we walked in.
    The classroom looked as normal as the building itself: rows of desks filled with bored-looking students; a dusty chalkboard covering the entire front wall; floor-to-ceiling bookcases covering the back. I was so grateful for its plainness. I was also grateful there wasn’t a giant photo of me hanging from the ceiling with the words ‘New Girl’ emblazoned across it. I meekly followed Chance to the back row of desks and took a seat across from him. Most of the other students were busy with their own conversations, but I noticed a couple of faces pause to watch us enter. One of those faces, belonging to a pretty girl sitting next to me, was actually smiling.
    “I see you’ve already met the resident hunk,” she whispered as she leaned into me. “Isn’t he delicious?” She smiled and lifted her eyebrows in Chance’s direction, and because I didn’t want to be rude on my first day—yeah, that’s why—I agreed.
    “Yeah,” I whispered back, not wanting to say too much for

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