Blood Legacy Origin of Species

Blood Legacy Origin of Species by Kerri Hawkins Read Free Book Online

Book: Blood Legacy Origin of Species by Kerri Hawkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kerri Hawkins
barely keeping her feet as the man hurried her through the cage door. He thrust her before him and she struggled to maintain balance, using legs that had seen little motion in the last few years. She was rushed through a hallway with solid rock walls adorned with geometric patterns, allowed no time to examine their strangeness.
    The man pushed her into a room and closed the door behind them.
    Lia stopped. On a slab before her was a man. He was dark-haired and beautiful, and appeared to be sleeping peacefully. His physical form was perfect, a stark contrast to her mutilation. She was very aware of her leathery skin and the horns on the sides of her head.
    “Do you see this one?” the man said in his harsh, rasping tongue.
    Lia nodded fearfully. She thought the demon might kill the beautiful man right in front of her, but instead he leaned close, forcing her to take a good look at the sleeping face. The demon whispered in her ear, telling a hideous story, his words brutal and impossible to believe. But as he spoke and the words tumbled out in bitter stream, Lia’s posture stiffened. Her striking green eyes began to glitter, taking on the sheen and hardness of emeralds. She gazed at the dark-haired man and felt a hatred so intense it seemed it would burn her from the inside out.
    The demon pulled her away, practically dragging her down the corridor. He led her through the shadows to a small side gate, then shoved her through the opening. She sprawled onto the ground, her legs still barely functioning. She did not understand why any of this was happening, but she was not going to question her freedom. She stood, a naked figure whose chameleon-like skin camouflaged her in the darkness, and began limping from the fortress. With every step away from the despised prison, her legs felt stronger, and soon she was walking, then running. The cool night air was decadent on her skin, and for the briefest of moments, pleasure pierced the veil of pain that covered her unceasingly.
    Lia fled into the night without the slightest idea of where she was going, overcome by an almost rapacious exuberance.
    Edward and Susan met Victor in the courtyard. Susan gasped. Edward was more restrained, but even he could not restrict his commentary.
    “Oh my,” he murmured.
    Victor was carrying Ryan, who appeared to be sick or injured as well as unconscious. Both were disheveled and dirty, and their clothing was torn. Angry welts and bruises were visible on their skin. Because of the nearly unmatched power of each, it was not hard to guess how their conditions came about.
    “Yes, yes,” Victor sighed, “we did this to each other.”
    This was less shocking to Edward than to Susan, who was still getting used to the casual violence that permeated Victor and Ryan’s relationship. Edward, for his part, wasn’t even really surprised although he was concerned about his master’s current condition.
    “Shall I dare ask how this came about?” he prompted, examining Ryan’s limp form.
    “Let’s get her settled,” Victor said.
    Within minutes, Ryan was back in her bed. Staff members materialized and under Susan’s guidance, cleaned the wounds that were already healing. Ryan shifted fitfully at the attention but did not awaken. Jason entered, leading Drake by the hand. For once Drake did not run forward but pressed close to his friend.
    Victor watched the ministrations silently. He had no idea what had happened although it was clear that Ryan had suffered another bout of amnesia. But this one was dramatically different from the one before. Whereas previously she had seemed almost vulnerable, this time she was recklessly out-of-control. And she had exhibited strength that was stunning.
    Victor’s expression grew grim. And that was not even what had made her so dangerous. She had also exhibited a rash abandon coupled with a wicked sense of humor, a combination that would make her irresistible to their Kind. Even he had difficulty controlling his

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