Blood Warrior (The Arcadia Falls Chronicles #4)
at Anthony. Well, at least she didn’t call him
it, like she did before. “If he screws up at all, he’s dead, got
    Anthony nodded, “I understand. You
have nothing to worry about, I am truly here to help.”
    “ Yeah, we’ll see about
that,” Sarah mumbled. She shifted a few papers around on the table
before beginning her story. “Our group is much larger than who you
see here.” She spread her hands to indicate the others who stood
around the room. “Our goal is to become large enough and strong
enough to fight the vampires and take our city back. Once we are
able to do that, we will move on, taking our people to other cities
and helping them to fight.”
    I nodded. These were the kind of
people I admired. The kind who fought for their lives. This group
didn’t just cower in a corner, they didn’t pledge themselves to the
vampire council ... they wanted to live and live free. “Well, we’re
going to help you. Our first mission is to find Korina.”
    Sarah’s eyes flicked between me and
Drew and Luke, “I’m sorry, who is Korina?”
    “ She is the head of the
vampire line, the one we are searching for.” I had forgotten that
we hadn’t mentioned any names when Drew was explaining
    “ Oh, yes of course.” Sarah
nodded. “Anyhow. You are a welcome addition, we are growing, but it
is taking time to get the numbers up. A lot of people from the city
have already pledged themselves or they are just too afraid to
fight. The bastards would rather just hole up and hide from the
    She stood. “Come with me, I’ll show
you what we have going on here.”
    Sarah’s associates with the guns had
finally relaxed when she gave her okay about us. Most of them had
lowered their weapons, resting them at their sides or putting them
away. But, there were a few who held still held their guns at the
ready, just in case one of us did something wrong. I was fairly
sure that it was Anthony they were most worried about. I didn’t
blame them either.
    We followed her into the hallway. Two
of her guys stayed with us, bringing up the rear of the crowded
hall. “Don’t worry about those guys back there. The tall one is
Tommy and the other guy is Elliot. They were a couple of the first
to be recruited. Found them at their place outside of town. They
weren’t even trying to hide from the vampire council, when I drove
up they stood right in front of their house aiming their shotguns
at the windshield of my truck.” She smiled at the memory. “I knew
right from that moment that they would be a good addition for what
I wanted to do. I needed people who wanted to fight, not run scared
into the swamplands.”
    “ Hey,” Christina piped
    Sarah turned only long enough to see
who was speaking to her. “Yeah?”
    “ The topic of conversation
has been about why you guys would choose this place as your
    Sarah stopped and turned toward us.
“You know the history of the house?”
    Christina nodded. “And I think your
bat shit crazy for picking it too. Of all the like … casinos or
plantation homes you could have chosen … I don’t get
    “ This house has withstood
so much of New Orleans history, I am determined for it to be a part
of the history that is being written right now.”
    Dang, Sarah and Anthony should compare
notes for their history writing. “But, aren’t you worried about the
dangers of being in a haunted house?” I asked.
    She shook her head. “No, I grew up in
one, like I said before, this is New Orleans.”
    I left it at that. They were already
here anyway, it’s not like they were going to move locations
    She swung a door open. “This room is
where we have been putting all the weapons we acquire.” The room
had rows and rows of neatly hung rifles. Table tops with hand guns,
and even another table that held some devices that looked like hand
grenades or possibly smoke bombs.
    Ammunition was stored on the other
side of the room and there was a lot of

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