Border Lair

Border Lair by Bianca D'Arc Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Border Lair by Bianca D'Arc Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bianca D'Arc
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Fantasy, romance fantasy dragon erotic
readiness to commit to a woman, not I.
    You’re damn right about that, Kelz. The dragon sounded like she was humoring him, but he couldn’t be sure. He was frustrated and angry that things couldn’t be different. But they just couldn’t.
    Jared stalked past the dragon and made his way to the bathing chamber.
    Kelzy followed, watching as he tore off his pants, releasing his straining erection.
    Adora would have welcomed that, she said, flicking out her long, thin tongue toward his cock, but not touching. She hasn’t had a man between her legs since her husband died. I think she’s lonely.
    Lonely is no reason to climb in bed with me. She deserves better.
    Kelzy shot a lick of flame toward the stone basin that was filling with water to heat it for him.
    Again, I disagree. You’re just what she needs, Jared. A man who will put her needs above his own, but I won’t nag you.
    Could’ve fooled me. He laughed without humor. Now, can I have a little privacy to bathe?
    And jerk off? Certainly. The dragon left him with a broad-eyed wink.

Chapter Three
    Young Belora stretched, luxuriating in the feel of two strong male bodies, one on either side of her in the warm bed. She would never take for granted the love she had found with her two mates, Lars and Gareth. Nor would she ever take for granted the pleasure bond each of her knights shared with her when their dragon partners soared to the stars in a mating flight. When the dragons mated, the residual energy washed over their human counterparts in a wave of pleasure unlike anything she had ever known before.
    Gareth was Kelvan’s knight and Lars was partnered with the dragon’s mate, Rohtina. She was wife to both men in the tradition of the Lair, since there were so few females able to live and communicate with dragons. That Belora was also able to heal dragons was a relatively new discovery and one that still had her puzzled.
    The knights insisted she must be of royal blood but she had been raised simply in the forest. Belora had never been rich, but had always been happy with her mother and the simple life they led. Her mother, Adora, was a powerful healer and they made their living off the land and from the herbal remedies they traded to the people in the small village near their home. The place was overrun now by the first wave of the enemy invasion. Venomous skiths had decimated the village and destroyed the women’s tiny house in the forest.
    But her mates had saved her and rescued her mother from the skiths.
    For that she would be forever grateful. When the dragon, Rohtina, was mortally wounded, Belora’s own latent healing ability seemed to come to life.
    Never before had she tried to heal a dragon and suddenly all the power she had ever wanted was hers to command. She’d used the magic to heal the beautiful golden Rohtina and discovered she was pregnant with a dragonet at the same time. It was a double miracle as far as Belora was concerned. She was so happy. Life couldn’t get much better.
    Uh, sorry to wake you all. Kelvan’s voice sounded through all three human minds with some degree of urgency. But you’ll very shortly have a visitor.
    “Tell them to go away.” Gareth threw a pillow out of the bedchamber toward the general direction of the dragons’ wallow.
    I can’t. Kelvan sounded rather pained this time. You have to get up and get dressed.
    “Who is it?” Lars asked, raising up on one elbow and scratching at his muscular chest.
    “And what’s the bloody rush? It’s not even dawn,” Gareth grumbled while Belora giggled.
    She climbed over Lars, pausing to kiss him good morning before she headed first for the wardrobe and then small bathroom next to their bedchamber. She was just too happy to be grumpy in the morning. Her mates had made her the happiest woman in the world—repeatedly—last night.
    Humming a light tune, she dressed and moved into the small kitchen area to heat water for the tea she liked to drink in the morning.
    The small fire

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