The Witch of Eye

The Witch of Eye by Mari Griffith Read Free Book Online

Book: The Witch of Eye by Mari Griffith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mari Griffith
off into the field.
    ‘Seth, you young dog! How are you? Piers, I’ll swear you’ve grown since I last saw you!’
    ‘Good to see you, Robin,’ panted Seth. ‘The neats are to go here in the upper meadow, Master Jourdemayne says. We’ll drive ’em down to the lower meadow tomorrow, when he’s had a chance to move the sheep. They’ve not been moved since they were sheared three weeks ago.’
    ‘Three weeks ago! A bit late in the year for shearing, wasn’t it?’
    ‘Aye, it’s all been a bit late this year, what with the weather and everything, and then the shearers said the stars were all wrong for shearing so they wouldn’t do it. Said it would bring bad luck. The Master could do with a bit more help, truth to tell. We’re on the go from dawn ’til dusk.’
    ‘No peace for the wicked,’ Piers grinned, pushing open a wide gate just as an errant bullock made a break for freedom.
    ‘ Whoa !’ Seth shouted. ‘You pesty bastard of a bullock! Hoop ha! ’ He sprinted nimbly up the bank to head off the animal, smacking his withy stick on its rump. ‘ Hoop ha!’ he whooped again. ‘You ain’t goin’ nowhere but in that field, my old mate. Hoop ha! ’ Mallow, knowing what was expected of her, circled behind the bullock, barking and snapping at its heels to drive it back in the right direction. Once it was safely through the gate, the others, nose to tail, began to trot obediently behind it into the meadow, tempted by the prospect of sweet pasture and even sweeter rest. The drovers and their dogs stood by to deter any other wanderers.
    Jenna had been watching this activity from a distance, not wanting to get in the way. It was only after he had looped the gate back on to the gatepost that Seth spotted her and gave a low whistle.
    ‘A woman!’ he said, surprised.
    ‘Yes, a woman,’ agreed Robin, smiling. ‘Haven’t you seen one before?’
    ‘Aye,’ Seth laughed, ‘I’ve seen a few in my time. But not many as pretty as this one. Not drovin’ no neats, anyhow.’
    ‘I broke the drovers’ code for once and let her travel with us because she needed looking after. This here’s Jenna,’ Robin introduced them then gave Jenna a broad grin. ‘Neats is the name for cattle hereabouts,’ he explained, his eyes sparkling with amusement. ‘I told you you’d have to learn a lot of new words if you want to find work in Westminster. They don’t speak proper English, like what we do in Devon!’
    Piers laughed at that, but Seth looked hard at Jenna, sizing her up. ‘‘Lookin’ for work, are you?’ he asked. ‘What sort of work? Most girls seem to want to work up at the palace for the gentry. Is that what you want?’
    ‘The palace!’ Jenna was astounded. ‘What would I do in the palace?’
    ‘Well, there’s kitchen jobs, for scullions and so on. You don’t need fancy ways for those.’
    ‘Jenna’s a dairymaid,’ said Robin firmly. ‘That’s what she’s told me.’
    ‘Yes,’ Jenna agreed. ‘I’d like some dairy work if I can find it. Is there any going round here?’
    Seth whistled through his teeth. ‘Aye, there might be. We’ve got our own dairy herd to milk twice a day. Then, if the drovers bring any cows along with the fatstock herds, we’ve got to look after them, too. And that’s without all the other work we’ve got on the farm. So when we’re busy, Master needs extra people who know what they’re doing. You should go and ask him. He’s in there,’ he said, jerking his head towards a wooden building a little further along the lane. ‘He’s just finishin’ off milkin’ the last of our own neats.’
    Jenna looked at Robin for approval. ‘What do you think?’
    He shrugged. ‘You’re the one who needs the work,’ he said. ‘And William Jourdemayne is the Master hereabouts, the man you need to see. You might as well go and ask. You’re none the worse.’
    ‘I will,’ said Jenna, ‘thank you. And Robin, thank you for all your kindness. I won’t forget

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