Born of Magic: Gargoyle Masters, Book 2
“Bloody right, you are.” He looked at Kephas. “Where are you off to now?”
    “South of Pastel is all I know for certain until I meet my contact there. I’m to retrieve the King’s wife and daughter.”
    “Why now? Is all well with the King?”
    Shock and concern rang through Kephas. He hadn’t even thought to question Gregori on the timing of this quest.
    “I don’t know. I was bid to do this now but the Wizard gave no reason.”
    “I see.”
    “I’m sure the King is fine.” Astrid ran one small hand over Orestes chest in a soothing gesture. “Surely Bastien or Corbin would tell you if it were otherwise.”
    Orestes nodded and Kephas thought she might be right, but really they didn’t know what the wizards might keep from them. The Twenty kept so many secrets the king might not even know them all.
    “Wynn’s woman is a wizard,” Astrid said. “Maybe she knows.”
    Kephas started in shock. “She is? A woman?”
    Astrid snorted a laugh. “Yes, she is a woman. And she is a wizard.”
    Orestes chuckled as well and kissed Astrid before releasing her. He held his arms out to Kephas. “I’ll take the sleeping bundle while you prepare for your trip. Do you need any weapons?”
    Kephas stood and handed over Ourania, placing a gentle kiss on her before releasing her. She was so small and perfect. All the brothers enjoyed spending time with her as much as their schedules allowed.
    Orestes’ arms tightened around his daughter and a look of contentment crossed his face. For a heartbeat, Kephas’ chest ached in longing. Then he shook his head both at himself and to answer his brother’s question. “I’ve all I need for this journey.”
    “What about your strength?’ Astrid asked. “How long will you be gone, away from the Stone?”
    Concern creased Orestes’ brow as he waited for the answer. Kephas reached beneath his shirt to pull out the silver chain he’d tucked inside. At the end hung a wire cage no bigger than Ourania’s fist. Suspended within floated a small stone surrounded by purple light.
    “This piece is much like the Wizards Stone. Gregori told me there are other small pieces and each is powerful, though none as powerful as the one we retain here.”
    “That will help if you are injured?” Orestes asked.
    “Yes, just as our Wizard Stone would.”
    “Why are we just now hearing of this?” Astrid asked with obvious anger. “All of you should have such charms every time you leave the castle.”
    Kephas shrugged. Yet another question he hadn’t thought to ask the Wizard. “Perhaps others are being fashioned as we speak. I don’t know if these stones are a new discovery or not.”
    “Or maybe they meant to keep you chained to this castle until they decided to send you so far away,” she said.
    Both men stared at her but neither said a word.
    Finally Orestes cleared his throat. “Whatever the reason, we know now and can ask to have others made for the rest of us. Did Gregori say if the power will run out since it’s such a small stone?”
    “No,” Kephas replied, happy he had at least thought to ask that question. “Its power is inherent within the stone. However, he did recommend I set it on the larger stone for a while once I return.”
    “So it doesn’t run out, but can use a recharge,” Astrid said with obvious skepticism. “Hmm.”
    Orestes grinned at her. “Don’t worry, my love. I’ll thoroughly question the next wizard who happens by. Until then,” he looked at Kephas. “When do you leave?”
    “Within the hour, if Astrid works her magic on the kitchen staff. I’ll fly to Keva but ride a horse through Pastel for safety’s sake. Gregori said something about the treaties, but I’m not sure what all it entails.”
    That made Astrid and Orestes frown.
    “All will be well, I’m certain,” Kephas said. He clapped his brother on the shoulder and held his arm out for Astrid. “Can I lead you to the kitchen?”
    Orestes growled in annoyance and she laughed. “Of

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