Destiny's Wish

Destiny's Wish by Marissa Dobson Read Free Book Online

Book: Destiny's Wish by Marissa Dobson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marissa Dobson
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Medical, Children, cancer
they’d be there, but she wanted her daughter to be able to play with whatever she wanted. The few days before the treatments started, they were going to try to forget about the cancer and just be normal.
    “Mommy.” Destiny came running into the room. “Greta showed me the pool. Can we go swimming now?”
    “Not tonight, sweetie.” She sat one of the baby dolls she’d unpacked onto the chair. “You had a busy day already so we’re going to take it easy tonight. We’re going to have pizza and then I’ll put a movie on for you.”
    Destiny went to the bed and grabbed her teddy bear. “Is this my room?”
    Nora nodded. “I thought you would like the purple comforter. The bathroom is across the hall. I’ve taken the room next to this, unless you want me to stay with you.”
    “I’m a big girl. I can sleep all by myself,” her little girl stated proudly. “The bed matches my pillow.”
    “I know.” She smiled. Purple was Destiny’s favorite. A few months before her daughter got sick, they had painted her bedroom in a pale lavender to accent the purple and white design. It was one of the saddest parts of having to sell the house because it was the first sign her baby was growing up.
    “There you are.” Brian stood in the doorway. “Destiny, there’s someone here to see you.”
    “Me?” She placed her bear on the bed. “Who?”
    “Doctor Mathews and his wife.”
    “Doctor Mathews?” Nora’s voice cracked and the worst thoughts ran through her mind. Had they found something else on the test results? Did Destiny no longer qualify for the study? Did that mean she’d have to go back to the hospital?
    Brian stepped away from the doorway and went to Nora. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, squeezing her gently. “It’s a social visit, don’t worry.”
    “Social for you, maybe, but why does he want to see Destiny?”
    “Sweetie, why don’t you go ahead downstairs? Your mom and I will be down in a moment.” He waited until the little girl practically skipped from the room before he turned back to Nora. “His wife, Chelsea, lost her daughter to cancer a few years ago. In her memory, she started a charity—Hope’s Toy Chest. It started out delivering presents to children at Cedar Grove for Christmas, and has expanded. This past Christmas the two of them helped a parent put together a Christmas celebration for her daughter a few weeks early because she wasn’t expected to make it. Chelsea takes toys to children who just need a pick-me-up.”
    “I don’t understand. Why are they here?”
    “You left most of your stuff behind to move here and get Destiny the best care. Chelsea wanted to drop a few toys off for her to play with. Before you say it, I had nothing to do with it, this was Kingsley’s idea. It will give her something new to play with.”
    She looked at the few things she’d put out for Destiny and nodded. Space in the car was limited and toys weren’t the top priority when they were packing. They were only able to take her favorite things, and even that was inadequate. “You said Hope’s Toy Chest was started in memory of her daughter…”
    “Hope, she passed away a few years ago.” He ran a hand down the length of her arm. “Don’t think about it. Destiny is going to be okay. We’re going to get through this.”
    “There are no guarantees in life.”
    “I know.” He pulled her around to the front of him. “Destiny is going to beat this. She did it once before and she’s going to do it again.”
    “I hope so.” She blinked the tears away. “I don’t know how I’d go on without her.”
    “You’re not going to have to think about that because you won’t have to. Trust me, she’s going to pull through this and she’ll be stronger than before.” He kissed her forehead. “What do you say, shall we go downstairs?”
    She nodded and he took her hand. “This is sweet of them but they didn’t have to do something like this. I’m sure there are plenty of others

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