the Vlachŕa think. I have no mind to care right now."
"Keeping p eace is precious, f ather."
"Bloody Hadãe, Samanth ŕa, they were invited to this meeting. It's not that we locked them out completely . They even realize the dangers afoot this night. Do you think them so dense that not even they have not recognized this storm as an unseen threat and sign?"
"Yes, but they also see the importance of carrying forth the rituals. They . . . " she needed a better way of explaining. " By denying the other families the right to go to the Lycãon realm is one thing, but then making things worse by denying me passage . . . well, it will t hrow salt on r aw wounds . "
"Have you not heard me? I said they were invited to the Higher Realm s. It is not as though we built a bloody wall and locked them out."
"Yes, but no offense, if the message came from you, then they would not trust it since they have none in you. You would have had a better chance if you would have told me to invite them to this meeting , ” s he said.
"Well there was no time." He spoke impatiently.
Clenching her fists, remembering her place, “I assume I will be going if you will not allow me to attend Beal-TENE, then . . . . ”
“You will not be permitted to be there , either. ”
“I am High Priestess!” S he remind ed him of this fact while groaning in annoya nce . Anger saturated her eyes, even though usually she was a champion at camouflaging her emotions. It was her duty to be at such meetings. This was just another way for him to control her and keep her in the dark -- t o keep her caged.
“ Samanthŕa , you must have patience. We must deal with one thing at a time. We have your Awakening to avoid first and foremost , which is why I separated you from your sisters and your mother . Remember? Or have you forgotten the doom that l ies ahead for you if the Awakening is allowed to take its course? The same fate you will then curse your sisters to b ear! ” He shook his head with such aggravation and huffed with frustration , then repeated only what she already knew . “When one Vii puts off the scent that will attr act the mate who is destined to perform the ritual of her release and A wakening , she can easily trigger it to happen to another Vii. "
"I know. I know. Yet I have no idea what this has to do with the bloody meeting."
" I must protect you and I must keep Evil from sensing you are still a Vii, or placing you near others who might consider you a weak target simply so they can take your essence and claim your title. Or those like your mother, who would attempt to provoke the Awakening in you."
So were his reasons for keeping her caged . . .
"We are under the curse of dark times and much is at stake."
"I know what is at stake." She groaned, knowing their bloodlines suffered, Realm s were at war, and Evil were gaining in numbers, among countless other things..
" Yes, but what you do not know, I am considering sending Dezarãe to your mother , to live , at this point. Let her have at least one of you to corrupt. Besides, I cannot take any chances of your sister invoking the Awakening within you . Especially not with all the measures we have taken to prevent it.”
She turned away for a moment and flicked a bit of wax on a candelabrum so that she looked preoccupied and unbothered . Her heart broke with the ache and fear of losing Dezarãe but she could not show emotion and remind him of how strongly she felt towards her. If he was reminded , then he would swear that the bonds between them