Bouquet for Iris

Bouquet for Iris by Diane T. Ashley Read Free Book Online

Book: Bouquet for Iris by Diane T. Ashley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane T. Ashley
stallion. “May I?”
    Iris nodded and found herself picked up and tossed into the Spanish-style saddle. It was a good thing she’d spent time riding bareback, or she might have fallen since there was no place to hook her knee without immodestly displaying her ankles. Mr. Pierce mounted behind her and put an arm around her waist. Now she was safe from falling, but what about her reputation?
    With a tiny shrug, she decided there was little choice if she wished to reach Camie’s home tonight. And what was the alternative? Taking her chances with the charming drunk? Not a good idea. She relaxed as she realized that Mr. Pierce was not going to take advantage of the situation.
    “How do you know the Sherers?” His deep voice tickled her ear.
    “Camie’s father, Reverend Miller, built a school for the Indians around the Nashville area, and my parents were very involved in its mission to teach English and spread the message of salvation. Camie and I worked and played together there. We were as close as sisters growing up.”
    “I see.”
    Silence grew between them, punctuated by the steady hoofbeats of his horse. Iris tried to force her tired mind to come up with another topic of conversation. “Have you seen her little girls?”
    “No.” He shifted in the saddle. “Children make me nervous.”
    “That’s because they’re not yours.”
    Whatever his answer would have been was lost as they turned off the road toward a house that stood some feet away. It huddled at the edge of a dense forest, every window dark and shuttered against the night.
    “They are not expecting you?” Mr. Pierce asked.
    “Not exactly.” The Sherers were to meet her. But she had never imagined that her arrival would be twelve hours early.
    “Hello the house!” Mr. Pierce’s yell ended her introspection. She waited while he dismounted and reached up to lift her down, once again marveling at the fact that he was so tall. Once her feet were on the ground, Iris actually had to bend her head back to meet his gaze.
    Mr. Pierce escorted Iris to the front door with the same easy confidence he’d shown since they met. She deeply appreciated his taking charge because she felt overwhelmed. She stood to one side as he banged on the door. At first no sound came from inside the Sherer house, but then she heard heavy footfalls on the staircase. Yellow light flickered around the outer edge of the front door as it opened.
    “Nathan Pierce? What brings you out in the middle of the night?” Lance Sherer’s voice was deep and authoritative.
    “I’m sorry for disturbing you, Lance.” Her escort was nothing if not polite. Iris admired politeness. Her parents had stressed the finer points of social niceties, saying that living in the country was no excuse for poor manners. Apparently Mr. Pierce’s parents agreed with that philosophy. “I have brought a friend of your family.” He glanced back to where she stood. “Miss Landon was recently delivered to us by stage.”
    “Iris?” Camie’s husband stepped onto the narrow porch, a candle in one hand and a rifle tucked under his other elbow. “Is it really you?” He leaned the rifle against the doorjamb and beckoned to them to enter.
    She nodded and stepped forward with a little hiccup of relief mixed with tiredness. “It’s so good to meet you.”
    Mr. Sherer was not as tall as the other two men she’d met tonight, destroying Iris’s earlier hope that all the men in this part of Tennessee would make her feel of normal height. Strands of dark brown hair straggled across his forehead, but her attention was caught by his wide blue eyes. They were so kind and calm, so full of welcome. She liked him immediately and could see why Camie had fallen in love with him. Everything about him, from his warm smile to his beckoning hand gestures, made her feel welcome.
    “Camie, it’s your friend Iris.” He looked over his shoulder to address his wife, who must have been standing on the stairway. “She’s

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