approve, he facetiously thought. She’d drilled good manners into his head with the same kindly tyranny that she’d controlled an eight-mule team. And while Stewart thanked everyone for helping him celebrate, offering kudos to all who had contributed to his cause, Flynn tried to make sense of his outrageous reaction to Jo Attenborough.
By the time Stewart concluded his remarks and Clara ruined another good song, he’d talked himself out of any rash behavior. He wasn’t in the habit of acting like an adolescent in heat; he definitely wasn’t in the market for more than the most casual of amours. Which meant Trey’s sister was a highly inappropriate object of his lust.
Pleased that he’d sensibly curbed his ill-advised urges, he took note of the nearest exit with an eye to flight. The minute he could politely leave, he would. As Clara’s last note died away, and the other guests began rising from their seats to move into the ballroom, he came to his feet, bowed to the table at large, and strode away.
Exiting through the terrace door, he felt an immediate sense of relief. Moving away from the lighted windows, he stood on the flags imported from a quarry near Turin to match the elaborate fountain in the garden and marveled at Stewart’s tolerance for his wife’s expensive and flamboyant decorating taste.
“Pink marble isn’t my favorite.”
He spun around and the scent of violet enveloped him. “Mine either. Go back in.”
She didn’t move. “I’m of age. I don’t take orders.”
All he heard was, “I’m of age,” the simple phrase shocking license for his unbridled lust. “You really should go back in.” He spoke more kindly this time.
“I don’t want to. You interest me.”
“Why haven’t I met you before?” He didn’t dare consider the provocation of the words you interest me. Not yet. Not until he knew who she was and what she was and whether the Braddock-Blacks would skin him alive for what he wanted to do to her.
“I just arrived from Florence last month.” Her gaze was unutterably direct. “Why haven’t I met you?”
“I live up north.”
“How far up north?”
He smiled; you couldn’t say she wasn’t direct. “Not too far. A day away.”
“Are you staying long?”
He didn’t answer for a moment. “Maybe.”
“You must not be familiar with women who ask questions.” His mouth twitched into a half smile. “You look like you’re more in the habit of giving orders.”
“And you don’t like women giving orders?”
He shrugged. “It depends.”
“Why don’t we talk about it?”
“Mostly because I don’t feel like talking.”
“What do you feel like doing?”
His smile flashed in the moonlight. “You already know.” “So?”
“I’m trying to decide if your father will cut out my heart in the morning and eat it for breakfast.”
“I can guarantee he won’t.”
“You’ve done this before then?”
“Not exactly.”
“Meaning what?”
“Have you done this before?”
“Yes”—he hesitated—“and no. Not like this.”
His answer pleased her, perhaps he was feeling the same ungovernable desire. “I haven’t slept with anyone since I’ve come to Helena if that’s what you wanted to know. Apparently you do quite often according to Trey. He warned me off.”
“You should listen to him.”
“I don’t want to. Will you require written permission from my father? It might embarrass him, but I’m more than willing to get it if need be.”
“Jesus,” Flynn breathed, wondering if anyone would notice if he fucked her standing up against the ivy-covered wall.
“I was raised in Florence by a mother who was too busy with her own pleasures to worry about me. I didn’t run wild, but I’m not a virgin. I’m an engineer. I hope you don’t mind either. Some men do.”
“Don’t say, some men, like that. It’s damned irritating.”
“Look, mia cara.” She laughed. “My goodness, I frightened you. Don’t be alarmed, you may be mia