
Broken by Janet Taylor-Perry Read Free Book Online

Book: Broken by Janet Taylor-Perry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Taylor-Perry
we're here."
    Having only an overnight carryon bag slung over her shoulder, Alicia leaned in the door as she started into the airport. "Thanks for the ride. If I think of anything, I'll call. Let me know if I should ask for Detective Reynolds. Take the test." She laughed lightly. "Hey, having the chief of police as your father might have its perks. I know how much he helped me have a life."
    She waved, and Parker drove away thinking: You have no idea how much he helped me have a life.

    When Parker got home, he told Sheena what Alicia Steen had suggested.
    "I think she's right," said Sheena. "You'll make a great detective. When's the next test?"
    "Two weeks. You really think I should do it?"
    "Yes, I do. The salary increase would make it a little easier to raise a family."
    "That won't be for a while though."
    "Yeah, about seven months." Sheena turned off the light and waited to see how long her little news flash would take to sink into Parker's brain.
    Five minutes later, Parker turned on the lamp on his side of the bed. "What do you mean seven months?"
    Sheena laughed, "Daddy," as she laced her fingers behind Parker's neck, gripping the ends of his dark hair. "Come here, and I'll show you how it happened."

    The next day Parker stopped in Ray's office. "What's up?" Ray asked.
    "Two things. Which would you like first?"
    "You decide, but only if it's good."
    "Okay. You're gonna be a grandfather, and I'd like to take the upcoming detective test."
    Holding up a finger, Ray said, "Let's take the first one first."
    Parker grinned. "Sheena told me she's pregnant."
    "Congratulations! We'll babysit after you potty train him." Both men laughed before Ray said, "Seriously, it's wonderful news. I think 'Poppy' rather than 'Grandpa' will be nice. Larkin has always said she'd prefer 'Nana.'"
    "If that's what y'all want."
    "And if taking the detective exam is what you want, it's two weeks from Saturday, eight A.M. sharp."
    "Yeah, I would."
    "Then, show up." Ray turned to his computer and hit a few keys. "You're registered. Good luck on both things. Is it all right to share your news?"
    Parker nodded. "Even if I said no, you'd call Momma the minute I leave."

    Parker hit the "submit" box after finishing one hundred questions on the written portion of the detective exam. Next, he moved to the lab where he had to perform ten regularly required functions of a detective. Then, he went home to wait for the results.
    Sheena slipped her arms around Parker as he sat in his recliner and watched LSU play football. "How did it go?" she asked as she began to massage her husband's neck. As a physical therapist, she knew exactly how to manipulate the muscles to relieve his stress.
    "Oh, that feels good." He released a long sigh. "That test was tough. They don't want a dumbass for a detective."
    "You're not dumb. You're brilliant."
    "I wouldn't go that far."
    "True or false—you married the greatest woman on Earth."
    "True—definitely true."
    "At this point in time you would like to
  Watch football.
   Take a nap.
   Make love to your wife."
    Parker leaned his head back and looked up at Sheena. Her long golden curls tickled his cheek. "Do I have to choose between A and C?"
    "Yes, you do. I'll give you some help—Set the DVR."
    "C—definitely C."
    "I told you that you were brilliant."

    The following Wednesday, Officer Parker Reynolds was summoned to the office of the Chief of Police. When he arrived, two other patrolmen, Link Marceau and Ezra Shotz, were there.
    "It took you long enough to get here!" Ray snapped, sounding serious. "You're a motorcycle cop. You can't blame your partner's driving,"
    "Sorry. I didn't think I needed the siren."
    "Well, what none of you will need beginning Monday morning are those uniforms. Congratulations, detectives." Ray handed each man a velvet box containing his new badge. "You're the only three that both passed the test and had city council approval. Marceau, you'll be with Pennington.

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