Broken: The MISTAKEN Series Complete Second Season

Broken: The MISTAKEN Series Complete Second Season by Renna Peak Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Broken: The MISTAKEN Series Complete Second Season by Renna Peak Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renna Peak
talking about?
    “Thank you, Doctor.” Robin peered over the rail of my bed into my eyes. “Do you remember what I said to you before you went into surgery, baby?”
    I made a sound through my closed lips. Something about an answer to a question.
    “I found the ring in your pocket.” She raised her left hand and dangled it in front of my face, a gleaming platinum band on her ring finger. “I know you’re too sick right now, but I don’t want to wait, baby. As soon as the doctors say you’re okay, we’ll go to Vegas and do it. We can have a big wedding when we get back, but I don’t want to wait another second. I’ve been waiting for this day for so long. I love you so much, Brandon.” She leaned down and brushed her lips over mine.
    What the hell was she doing wearing Jen’s ring? It was like I had gone through the looking glass while I was asleep. Everything was backwards, upside down. How the hell had she gotten that ring unless I was in some alternate universe?
    “Maybe in a few weeks, that’s what the doctor said. As long as you get healthy and do everything they tell you, we can go to Vegas in a few weeks. I wish you had let me meet you at the airport, baby, then none of this would have happened. You could have gotten down on one knee. I know you wanted to, and I’m sorry I ruined that.” She beamed down at me, stroking my hair. “But you can ask me later, if you want to. The answer will still be the same.”
    What the fuck was going on? I tried again to talk, something like a grunt leaving my throat that time. I was getting closer to being able to speak. At least I thought I was. Where the hell had that ring come from?
    My thoughts clouded again as the morphine flooded my body. They must have increased the pain medication, and I was thankful that the burning had stopped, but my mind was even more clouded than it had been before. I tried to piece it back together. Getting stabbed at the warehouse, I remembered that. What happened before that? I flew to L.A. That motherfucker called me and asked me to come. Things began to swim again in my mind and the memories swirled together with dreams. Jen had been here; I had seen her here. Hadn’t I? She was giving blood for me. Giving her blood. For me. She had to love me if she would come all this way just to give me her blood. She found out and she still chose me. And I had been such a dick to her this morning, telling her there was no way she was going to work for the man that was responsible for…
    My eyes flew open and I fought through the cobwebs that had formed in my mind. I wanted to sit up, scream at Robin for taking that ring out of my pocket. I put it there when Jen threw it at me. When she’d been so pissed at me that she threw it at me and I shoved it in my pocket before taking that job away from her. That idiotic job that I knew she didn’t really want. Was she really here? I tried desperately to remember what they had said to me before they took me in for surgery. What had they said? She loves you. I looked up at the blonde woman towering over my bed. My stomach sank through my body when I realized they had been talking about Robin, not my sweet Jen. Shit, my memories were betraying me, too.
    I wished I had died on the table.

    I was surprised to find Melissa on the other side of my front door after answering the incessant knocking. I lifted an eyebrow. “What, you don’t let yourself in anymore?”
    Her eyes crinkled a little with her grin. “Well, since I don’t live here anymore, I thought maybe it would be polite to knock.”
    “You? Polite?” I rolled my eyes, matching her grin, and I let her in.
    She wore the same red dress she tried to wear for our date on Friday. “Well? Are you up for it tonight?”
    I let out a long sigh. I hated clubs, hated crowds in general, but I knew it was something she wanted to do. “Yeah, sounds fun.” The flatness of my voice would surely betray the words I had spoken.
    “God, you’re a horrible

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