Broken: The MISTAKEN Series Complete Second Season

Broken: The MISTAKEN Series Complete Second Season by Renna Peak Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Broken: The MISTAKEN Series Complete Second Season by Renna Peak Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renna Peak
liar.” She elbowed me on her way to sit on the bar stool at the kitchen counter. “You should get dressed so we can get going. I know how you feel about staying out late.”
    I narrowed my eyes at her. “Right.”
    She giggled and shooed me into the bathroom to finish with my hair and makeup.
    “How was Amanda today?” Somehow, hearing Melissa tell me about the crazy antics of her new boss could always lift me out of even the foulest of moods.
    “As insane as usual. Today she decided that the office needed a dedicated cable for internet service. Not just our own, you know, internet service. She wants the city to run a frickin’ cable into the office. Like hard wire our little office.”
    “Why?” I tried to wind my straight, brown hair into something resembling curls; unsuccessfully, of course.
    “Oh, who the hell knows? She’s nuts.” She paused for a moment. “Hey, Jenna.”
    “Hey, Mel.” I unplugged the curling iron and tossed it aside, grabbing my makeup bag. My hair would just have to be acceptable as is.
    “Do you still want to teach piano lessons? You know, to little kids?”
    I shrugged my shoulders at myself in the mirror. “Maybe. Why? Who’s asking?”
    I heard her giggle. “Me?”
    “You’re not a little kid, Mel.” I peeked my head around the corner of the bathroom door and looked out at her. “Besides, we tried that, remember? You’re tone deaf.”
    “No, not for me.” She paused for another moment. “Hey, I am not tone deaf. A little tone impaired, maybe…”
    A snicker left my lips as I returned to the mirror to put on my lip gloss. “For who?”
    I left the bathroom and turned the corner to face her. “Your evil boss?”
    “Not exactly. Her kid.”
    My eyes narrowed. “How old?”
    “Four. She’s pretty convinced he’s the next Mozart.”
    I rolled my eyes. “Of course he is. What is she looking for?”
    She shrugged. “Not sure. Lessons at her house, probably.”
    “She has a piano?”
    “A baby grand. It’s beautiful, and I don’t know a damned thing about pianos. Apparently, the brat plays on it all the time. I guess he played something that sounded like something the other day.”
    “Huh. Something that sounded like something?” I lifted an eyebrow.
    “You know, it was almost a song. I don’t know. The brat can do no wrong, so what do I know?”
    I nodded. “Does this brat have a name?”
    “Yeah. Brat.”
    My brows furrowed together. “Her son is seriously named Brat?”
    Her lips turned up into a grin with her lilting laughter. “No, that’s just what I call him. I think his name is Mason.”
    My eyebrow lifted again. “You think ?”
    She shrugged again. “I told her you played. I might have told her you were a little bit of a, you know…”
    “A what?”
    “You know, a freak of nature. A prodigy, kind of.”
    “God, Mel, why did you do that? I clearly won’t be good enough for her son…”
    “Sure you will. At least until he surpasses your abilities in a few months.” She snickered. “I’m joking. I’m sure he’s gifted, though. That’s what I hear, anyway.”
    “It’s a bad idea. That woman does not like me.”
    “Nah, she likes you just fine. She’s just pissed that you wouldn’t do her bidding while you were at that party.”
    I shook my head with a frown. “I’ll think about it.” I picked up my bag from the counter. “Can we go now?”
    “Yeah, yeah. No driver tonight?”
    My brows knitted together again. “What are you talking about?”
    “Your rental cop. Cash, or whatever his name is.”
    “He’s not a rental cop, Mel. Cade has been working for my father for thirty years. What about him?”
    “He must have the night off. He’s not out there.”
    “Well, he does get time off, you know. He isn’t a slave.” But there was always someone there, especially since the Secret Service guys had been called off a few weeks ago. I never went anywhere alone, not since my father first announced his bid for

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