Candy Kisses

Candy Kisses by Bernadette Marie Read Free Book Online

Book: Candy Kisses by Bernadette Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bernadette Marie
sounded neatly wrapped into a little package and both of them knew it hadn’t been that simple. “How are we going to get all those orders done?”
    “My secret weapon will be here when you leave for your date.”
    “Date?” The sentimental moment was gone. “What are you talking about?”
    Brie laughed as she reached for another box to fill. “The dress in the closet. The makeup and hairspray. Claire Banks on the phone half the morning checking on orders and filling me in on what you can’t seem to speak about.”
    “He told his mother?”
    “I think, unlike you, he tells his mother everything. If you don’t want to think of it as a date think of it as a business function. Your chocolates. His mother’s planning. You’ll get to see him in a different element. One he was born into. See how he does under the stress of a bride-to-be. Heaven forbid he has to deal with a mother-in-law or the mother of the bride.”
    Tabitha let out a little chuckle and then stiffened back up. “I like him.”
    “I know you do.”
    “I’m scared to death.”
    “Enjoy it.”
    “It’s already moved too fast.”
    “Not fast enough if you ask me.” They both turned at her mother’s voice from the doorway. “I’d have been married by now.” She smiled grandly as if it were something to be proud of.
    Any other time Tabitha would have had plenty to say about it. She didn’t think her mother should flaunt around claiming to love someone after moments. But after having been in the presence of Preston Banks for only a few mere hours she was beginning to understand her mother’s fascination with finding love. Perhaps her mother would stay in love if she just knew how to harness it.
    She took off her coat and hung it up on the hook on the wall next to Brie’s. She retrieved an apron and tied it on. “Okay, I’m here to help. Are we making chocolates first or are we getting her ready for the night of her life?”
    “You told her?” Tabitha gasped at Brie.
    “It’s really no secret is it? C’mon we’re excited for you.”
    “Tabby, it’s just a date. A working date none the less. It’s not your wedding. Or mine,” her mother said on a laugh. “You’ll survive. Let us enjoy getting you ready.”
    The air was out of her lungs and her shoulders fell. She might as well let them enjoy themselves because she knew by the end of the night she’d hate herself for agreeing to go at all.
    She wouldn’t allow them more than forty-five minutes to make her up before Preston arrived. Had she let them they would have spent the rest of the afternoon primping her and she didn’t want it. As it was she wasn’t so sure she wasn’t going to be violently ill.
    “You’re pretty enough to be the bride,” her mother offered as she sprayed the last piece of hair into place, then quickly retracted when Tabitha shot her a look. “You’re not the bride. I don’t expect you to be the bride. Just enjoy, okay?”
    Guilt riddled her body. She couldn’t help but be snide in this moment where her mother was so happy. But it was too hard to expect that she’d enjoy it. “I’ll try.”
    “I’m here to help Brie take care of some of those orders. I know Mrs. Banks has you packed and getting all those boxes packed before Valentine’s Day is imperative. I understand this isn’t a good time for you to start dating, but, sweetheart, let go a little.” Her mother cupped her face in her hands. “I know you’ve always felt like the adult and you needed to be the one in control, but take it from me. Sometimes it feels good just to let go a little.”
    She wanted to argue the logic, but the front door to the store opened and she felt that control begin to slip.
    Preston stood there in a black suit and purple tie carrying a bouquet of roses. Every ounce of fight Tabitha might have had drained out of her. His dark eyes took her in and a smile formed on his lips saying he approved of what he saw. “Tabitha, you look amazing.”
    “Thank you.

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