Captivated by Your Love (The Blue Heart Series Book 2)

Captivated by Your Love (The Blue Heart Series Book 2) by Kennedy Kelly Read Free Book Online

Book: Captivated by Your Love (The Blue Heart Series Book 2) by Kennedy Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kennedy Kelly
like you see me on a totally different level than anyone has ever before. I feel like I can’t tell you a lie and like I want to tell you every secret I’ve had. You’re the balm to my soul.” And he was so very much. I knew that we connected before but after last night our connection had intensified so much. Yes, Reeve was there with us and it was a highly sexually gratifying night, but there were moments when I felt like it was only Justice and me. The thing is if I could do it all over again I would only want it to be Justice.
    “That’s because I do. Don’t you see that? You were meant for me. Mine, just say it. Mine. Admit that you feel that way towards me and mean it.” He gazed at me, reading my emotions because I was sure they were written all over my face.
    I broke eye contact with him and looked to the floor. Then slightly whispered the words that were going to break my resolve. “I can’t. It was a mistake.” A single tear cascaded down my cheek and then another. I was a wound up ball of emotions.
    Justice lifted my face to his and then started wiping away my tears with his thumbs. “Baby, why are you crying?”
    Could I tell him why I was crying? That I was falling apart because I was stuck with Jensen and I secretly wanted to be with Justice. “This is just so hard for me. Can’t you see I really made a mess of things?” More tears fell. “Here you are this great guy. A bossy one I might add. And I ‘m just some stupid ho who cheated on her boyfriend. You deserve so much better.”
    “Please stop talking like that.” He bent his head down and the scruff of his beard rubbed against my face. I would never forget how it felt. I wanted to memorize every moment and for the most part I had. He started kissing away my tears. If I thought my resolve had vanished before it was completely nowhere in this room. I was a total goner. “Just please tell me you meant what you said when you told me you were mine. Because, baby, there is nothing else in this world that I want to hear.”
    “I can’t.” And with those words I disentangled myself and walked out of the room. Leaving a good man that I knew would treat me right. The thing is I believe now, more than ever, that I deserve to be with Jensen. He doesn’t treat me very well, I know this, but I never wanted to admit. I deserved him if he would still have me after what I had done to him. How was I ever going to face him?

Chapter Five
    I treaded down the stairs; my head hung low, eyes thick with moisture and my spirit in my back pocket. I had really fucked up in the biggest way and I didn’t know how to get myself out of this mess without hurting someone. The thing was, I knew that I would also hurt myself in the process.
    I got to the landing and almost turned around to rush right back into Justice’s arms. I was a little shocked he hadn’t followed me out of the room raising hell. The talk had been intense and the kisses were so consuming they stole my breath and my heart at the same time. Now don’t get the wrong idea when I say heart. I wasn’t in love with Justice, but I certainly was in like with him.
    This flirtation that we had been skirting around was finally blown wide open and I felt extremely bare to be around him. Like he could take my soul in his hands and caress it. He had not only seared me with his kisses but he had broken my resolve. The hardest part was telling him no. But if I knew Justice the way I think I knew him there, was no doubt in my mind that he wouldn’t give up easily. I would bet my first born on it.
    My first born. There was a strong possibility I was pregnant. The wait to find out if I was would be one that was going to tear away a piece of me day by day. At times I often found myself looking at Damien, Sydney, and Lucy and wishing I had what they had. I guess my wish just might come true, but all in the wrong ways. I was a major sinner; I had cheated on my boyfriend.
    Hell, I hope you

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