Captive- Veiled Desires

Captive- Veiled Desires by Clarissa Cartharn Read Free Book Online

Book: Captive- Veiled Desires by Clarissa Cartharn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clarissa Cartharn
her that she could. She put her arms around his waist, hugging him back. “It was a cousin. He was well in his early twenties and when my parents would leave him to babysit my brother and me, he’d take me into my room, pull down my panties and stroke my vagina with his penis. My brother never had a clue. My cousin was clever enough to get him occupied with a video game or the TV while he pretended to play house with me. It happened on three separate occasions before I finally found the guts to tell my mother.” She stopped, biting back the tears in her eyes. “She didn’t believe me. I didn’t know what hurt more. The abuse or that my mother continued to let my cousin live in the same house as I did.” She took a deep breath and withdrew from him. “Needlessly to say, that totally fucked me up. I was eight for god sakes and her non-reaction told me that nothing wrong had happened. He didn’t touch me after that, which was relieving, but the older I got, the more soiled and guilty I felt. I didn’t know why I carried the burden of the guilt. But the bastard and my parents sure did leave me feeling like a bitch.”
    “I’m sorry,” he said.
    His hands were still caressing her shoulder, which slightly relieved her that he hadn’t bolted on her- yet.
    “No, I’m sorry,” she muttered. “We’ve only been dating five months. It’s too early for something as seriously fucked up as that.”
    “It isn’t,” he whispered. “You know how I feel about you. And whatever’s happened doesn’t make any difference to my feelings for you. I’m glad that you decided to tell me. It kind of confirms that you trust me.”
    She let out an awkward and nervous chuckle. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you ran after this. I have an uncanny knack for that. Driving men away.”
    “Well, I’m not going anywhere,” he said, his fingers running through her luscious brown hair. “Unless, of course you want me to.”
    She lifted her head up to him and kissed him lightly on the lips.
    He stared down at her as if he was studying her and then slowly kissed her again, gradually deepening it, running his tongue inside her.
    She moaned, clutching onto his fair mane and pulled him down with her onto the couch.
    He submitted willingly, his erection growing hard and stabbing into her core.
    She tugged at his pants, eager to feel his warm, fleshly length. Her phone shrilled into the air with her annoying siren ringtone, interrupting them, breaking her journey down to his crotch.
    “Leave it,” he groaned into her ear as she reached out for her phone.
    “Let me just see who’s calling,” she rasped. “It might be important.”
    She grabbed her cell as he tried to sway her back to him with his kisses. She made a quick glance at the flashing display and swore under her breath.
    “Jake, I gotta take this.”
    “What?” he said as she slapped him away.
    She slid the reception icon and blurted a quick hello.
    “Hello, can I speak to Miss Amy Jacobsen, please?” the man asked on the other end of the line.
    She cleared her throat. “Yes, this is she.”
    “Miss Jacobsen, my name is Travis Mulholland. I’m calling from the Office of Overseas Citizens Services in Washington. I believe you had an enquiry on the whereabouts of your friend, Nora Jennings.”
    Her mouth ran dry. “Yes?”
    “Is this a good time to talk to you?”
    She stiffened, stepping away from the now curious Jake.  Her legs quivered beneath her. Her caller’s tone was all too serious and ominous.  She licked her lips, trying to prepare herself mentally for what he might have to say.  “Yes, of course… yes.”

    “Miss Jacobsen, I understand you were concerned about your friend’s travel movements in India,” the man called Travis Mulholland said on the phone.
    “That’s right.” She swallowed.
    “Can I ask you how you’re related to Miss Jennings?”
    “I’m her friend.”
    “And why do you suspect she is

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