Captured Secret (The Captured Series)

Captured Secret (The Captured Series) by April Raynne Read Free Book Online

Book: Captured Secret (The Captured Series) by April Raynne Read Free Book Online
Authors: April Raynne
Tags: General Fiction
obvious he’s pushing his pelvis into her backside as they talk suggestively at one another. Jaxon and I exchange uncomfortable looks.
    “Friend, listen. You are busting your ass at Medipoint for a new car. Add working with Ty for maybe a couple weeknights and some weekends and end your misery. It’s hard to see you tired all the time and the dark circles under your eyes, well, they are just not flattering,” She has that motherly look on her face. I’m happy she had the discretion not to mention the debt. My heart speeds up as Ty walks back into the room.
    “To be honest, Zoey, I don’t see anything wrong with her appearance,” Jaxon’s eyes light up as he looks me over.
    “Thank you,” I say softly toward Jaxon and sit at our kitchen bar set. I let my hair down out of the clip and drink several swallows out of my beer. Wasn’t she making us shots? I could really use one right about now. I could not work with Ty. What the hell do I know about assisting a photographer?
    “I get worried about you. I mean, how many hours of staring at a computer did you do this week?”
    Tightlipped I say, “Leave it alone, Zoey. I’m doing my best as fast as I can.” I really am exhausted, but I don’t need any advice from Zoey. I don’t get to make a phone call home, and some rich parent bails me out financially. When you grow up with money, you just can’t understand what it is like not to have it. My dad did well for my sister and me. We always had the trendy clothes, shoes, and designer perfume. We both had cars at sixteen. My mom gave my dad her monthly kid payment. But, never have I had the option of Daddy just gifting me several grand at a time. He can buy me a nice flat screen TV for my room, but buy me a new car, not so much.
    “No really, how many hours this week?” She puts my ice-cold shot in front of me.
    “Are you two going to cat fight?” Ty smiles wide and asks as he slides into the seat across from me. “I just came in at the right time.”
    A knock at the door ends the tension. “Hello? Anybody home?” Emily comes around the corner with a surprised look. “Do not do those shots without me.”
    Zoey looks over at Emily and grabs another shot glass. “Perfect timing, I was just going to suggest that Stella take your place with Ty on a part time status.”
    Emily jumps into Ty’s lap and wraps her arms around his neck. “Oh, my G! That is a perfect idea, Zoey!” She looks at Ty, and then me, and stops in her tracks. “I thought you had a full time job, Stella?”
    “I do, Monday through Friday.” I shoot Zoey a death look. I just can’t look at Ty. There’s nothing worse than watching a guy squirm. I do not want to be rejected in front of everyone.
    “Fridays are optional, and she has time over the weekend,” Zoey says to Emily and Ty.
    “I know we just met, but Stella, you know we have women’s intuition. I felt comfortable with you from second one. You would do great. Ty is so easy going that it takes a lot for him to get pissed.” She turns to Ty. “Isn’t that a perfect idea? Then I would know that you are taken care of.” She bounces up and down on his lap softly clapping her hands together.
    “Shots…let’s do it!” Zoey yells. I down mine, and that, first shot puckered face appears quickly. Ty’s amused by my reaction to the stiff drink. I can’t help but let my face light up. His smile is contagious. I need another, STAT. Later, I’ll get Ty alone, and then he can tell me what a bad idea this is. I drink down one more without the face this time. The instant ease I feel is exactly the effect I was looking for.
    “Well, I think it’s a perfect solution for you both. Ty gets help and Stella makes more money.”
    Zoey is cut off when the door flies opens and everyone turns to look and see who appears in the kitchen. I know who it is, because I’m closest to the door. “Maxi-pad!” I squeal. Max could not have come at a better time. He grabs me in a bear hug and picks me

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