Catch my fallen tears

Catch my fallen tears by Marion Studer Read Free Book Online

Book: Catch my fallen tears by Marion Studer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marion Studer
them... always have.”
                  A fierce blush is creeping up her cheeks and those gorgeous blue eyes lift slowly up and her hand finely let go of the handlebar. As she steps aside I lift the vehicle onto the truck and getting a quick lick from happy Rufus. I steer Chloe to the passenger side, open the door for her and wait until she is seated. Behind the steering wheel I pull into gear and drive on.
                  Chloe's expression is hidden behind her hair again. I reach over and gently brush the soft blond veil of hair behind her shoulder. Like a child she refuses to acknowledge me. I see a vein pulsating rapidly underneath the thin layer of skin on the base of her neck and my own pulse starts to quicken.
                  “You know Chloe we are friends. I like to think we never stopped being friends and I hope you see it the same way. I'm here for you and if you need something I’ll gladly help you. Like now, you don't have to fetch all your stuff back home on your bike; it is much easier to load it onto my truck.”
                  Her head veers towards me, her glare scrutinizing me, she reaches into her purse, takes out a little sketch pad and writes . Are we still friends?
                  I take a quick peek to read and slam onto the breaks. Turning around I lean over very close, take both her hands into mine and try to master a steady voice when I tell her,               “I never stopped being your friend, Chloe. Not for one minute, even when I was not near you.” Then I place a light kiss on each single finger, and swallow a lump building in my throat, “write down where you need to do your shopping. I will pick you up later and then we go for lunch. Are you okay with that, Chloe?” I send her a weary glance and let out a hold in breath as she writes her short list.
                  In town I park my truck and each of us makes the necessary trips. Rufus stays behind guarding the bike. Suddenly it seems he was smiling all the time. Go figure!
                  Sometime later I'm back when I see Chloe balancing paint buckets towards me and I rush over to get them for her. She seems exhausted, giving me a thankful smile.               Lifting them into the truck I notice there are a few buckets already in the trunk and I turn with a frown only to see Chloe giving my dog a through loving massage, which leaves me wishing it was me feeling her affection while chuckling at myself.
                  All the items tugged away I lead Chloe to the diner across the street. We take the place on the window to keep an eye on the dog.
                  Sitting across each other I take both her hands into mine, slowly drawing little circles over their back, savouring the smooth skin while enjoying the newly found feeling to have her close again. There is a slight hesitation in Chloe’s  posture but I’m certain that will vanish once she realize that my intentions are serious. A young eager waitress takes our order and when she walks away I give my full attentions back to Chloe. Staring deep into her blue crystals, I find long lost memories and once more my heart expands, filling up with tenderness for this girl.
                  We eat and we talk, or more likely I'm talking and Chloe writes her questions and answers onto a small notepad.
                  “Will you teach me some of the sign language?”
                  A smile worms up her face and I get some very impressing things to learn.
                  Some time into our lunch two men walk in, one of I know from working at the mill, Mike McAllister. A big guy with a dark look and an even darker reputation. His unshaven jaw sticking out in an angle. His eyes are close together and buried underneath big bushy brows, so in contrast to his closely shaven head. Accompanying him is a guy I

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