Children of the Sun and Moon

Children of the Sun and Moon by P. D. Stewart Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Children of the Sun and Moon by P. D. Stewart Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. D. Stewart
Tags: Dragons, action and adventure, fantasy quest
Everyone was going on and on about the festival. How much larger
this year will be, how the farmers from the south would make an
amazing amount of money, and how this year representatives from
Keenley were actually going to attend.
    “Two days
hence, it will be the Festival of the Moon,” Jeremy’s voice boomed.
“I am glad to say, it will also be the sixteenth birthday of my two
youngest children. This will be a joyous occasion and many noblemen
are planning on attending. Perhaps we will see love blooming?” he
joked, staring at Brin. Koral could not help but laugh at her
father’s attempt at humour, and at Brin’s embarrassment. Her mother
was also smiling, something she had not done in days.

    King Jeremy
went on about the plans for the festival. There was going to be
parades, plays with young children acting out the twin’s lives and
many, many taverns. The only problem Koral had with the festival
was the fact that the Temple of Allorethna was not against taverns.
Due to this, a tradition had started on the day of the twins’ birth
and she would be required to visit every one of them as a type of
blessing. Everyone talked about the festival well into the night,
and no one noticed Koral slip out and go to bed.

    “What are we
going to do with Koral?” asked Elizanne as she was preparing for
    Jeremy looked
up from the bed at her. “I do not know. You have not been able to
track Eric at all?”
    Elizanne shook
her head. She had used as much power as she could, any more might
be detected. Looking around their bedroom, she thought about how
much smaller the castle felt without the twins running around,
learning all they could. She had known this day would come, but it
still felt too soon. Sighing, she decided a proper night’s sleep
would do her good. Elizanne climbed into bed and fell asleep almost

    Jeremy, on the
other hand, had a bit of difficulty falling asleep. He had never
wanted to believe his children were part of the prophecy. The last
thing he wanted was for them to be in danger. Then there was Brin.
She had not really spoken to them during the last few days.
Something was bothering her and they had to find out what. Jeremy
did not want to lose her as well. Not being able to sleep, he
decided to slip out and go to the library. There had to be
something in his many books which could help. He slowly crept out
of the room, not wanting to wake his queen and alarm her.

    Slowly and
steadily, he made his way to the library, hoping no one else would
be awake.
    “A little late
for exploring,” came a voice from the darkness.
    “Korben, do you
always have to hide in the shadows. You scared the life out of
    Korben laughed
and stepped into the candlelight. “Sorry, your highness. I heard
someone moving about and decided to investigate.”
    Jeremy smiled
and started walking again. “It is quite alright. I do not know why
I was sneaking about anyway. I just wanted to go to the library and
see if I could find anything on the prophecy which might help.”
    “With Eric
leaving as abruptly as he did, I can understand your reasoning,”
commented Korben, walking with him.
    “Everything is
just happening so quickly now. I know it is only a matter of time
before Gillock tells me Koral has to leave too. I just wish I knew
where it was they had to go and how I could help. It is all just so
    Korben did not
know what else to say. “You should really just head back to bed,
your highness. We’ve checked everything many times. You know this
is something they have to do themselves.”
    Jeremy stopped,
and sighed. “You are right. I really should get some rest. I will
have my hands full with the festival.”
    They walked
back towards the king’s quarters in silence. “I need you to do me
one favour, Korben. Please keep an eye on Brin. I fear with
everything which has been going on, she is in a very confused
    Korben nodded,
“Of course. Have a good

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