
Chills by Heather Boyd Read Free Book Online

Book: Chills by Heather Boyd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Boyd
Virginia squeezed her arm to encourage her to continue.
    “Not a gambler. That is what got us in this mess in the first place,” Constance continued. “A man my mama might fear to cross. Someone who can deter her from excess.”
    Virginia nudged her shoulder. “Wouldn’t arrogance come in handy when dealing with her?”
    Constance rubbed her brow. “I suppose a little, but he shouldn’t be that way with me.”
    “We must be practical. If I was in your shoes, I would have taken to my bed and let Jack take care of everything.”
    “Virginia,” Constance chided gently. “You give yourself far too little credit. I remember a time when I was afraid to cross you. I cannot remember what precipitated the argument, but you rounded on Lord Hallam like a fury and he never knew what hit him. It’s the only time I’ve seen him speechless. I never told you, but you were magnificent. Even Lord Hallam appeared impressed.”
    “I impressed Lord Hallam? I should have liked to hear about that earlier. The man deserves a good scold for the way he neglects his responsibilities. Can you believe his mama hasn’t seen him in a year? He sends letters at the end of term but rarely leaves Oxford.”
    Constance looked up at her friend in alarm. That was quite a diatribe considering how quiet Virginia had become. Lord Hallam really would change the atmosphere of Ettington House when he arrived tomorrow.
    Virginia stopped suddenly. “You should marry Hallam.”
    Constance choked. “You cannot be serious.”
    “He would be perfect for you. He practically lives at Oxford year round, so you wouldn’t have to listen to the pompous idiot spouting his nonsensical ideas. His mother is sweet and never leaves Parkwood. You could live there and we could see each other every day.”
    As enticing as Virginia made the match sound, Pixie had never felt comfortable with Lord Hallam. He was far too serious a man to encourage more than the barest affection. Acceptance, perhaps. She accepted that he was large enough to make three of her, he could argue in circles until she had no idea what the original point had been. He made her head hurt.
    No, not a good choice.
    The happy zeal drained from Virginia’s face as if she remembered something disturbing. Constance moved to support her if needed, but Virginia smiled brightly, shrugging off whatever thoughts she might have had.
    “As much as I would love to see you every day, I doubt Lord Hallam and I would suit. He is far and away more arrogant than even your brother.”
    “Well, there is nothing else for it. We shall have to make sure you marry for money and love. Surely there is a well-positioned man somewhere you could feel more than just a passing affection for.” Virginia’s exhalation sounded a little relieved to Constance.
    “Let us hope so.” Constance prayed for that.
    “Come, I want to write that list of names. At least you can be armed with a little information before we begin our search.”
    “Virginia, I didn’t come to London to find a husband. I came to see you.”
    “And I am very happy you are here. It was good of you to spend your holiday with me.”
    “Well, I’m glad you persuaded me to come,” Constance assured her as they climbed the front steps. Constance had missed her friend so much over the past years. Her letters had left her aching for more than the stilted conversations of hurried notes. But given the marquess’ bad mood over the guardianship, she hadn’t wanted to press for a visit. She had waited and waited to be invited.
    “How did I persuade you? You’re always welcome.”
    “In your letter. Don’t you remember?”
    Virginia frowned. “My letter? Oh, of course I remember. Pixie, would you excuse me for a moment? I have forgotten something that requires my attention upstairs. I will join you in the drawing room as soon as I can.”
    When Virginia hurried off, Constance stripped off her pelisse and handed it to the waiting butler. She watched the stern

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