Christmas Cover-Up

Christmas Cover-Up by Lynette Eason Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Christmas Cover-Up by Lynette Eason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynette Eason
Tags:, Fluffer Nutter
about it.”
    “Do you go on dates often?” he asked.
    His casual tone gave no hint as to the purpose behind the question. Was he asking because he was just curious or was there something more? Like personal interest.
    “No. I haven’t been on a date since my fiancé died a few years ago.” As soon as the words left her lips, she wanted to recall them.
    He stiffened and shot her a brief look. “What happened?”
    “He was shot. He was a detective and walked into the wrong building at the wrong time. He and his partner were set up and ambushed. They never had a chance.” She kept her words short, hoping Jordan would back off the line of questioning she’d opened up. “So, are you ready to call it a night?”
    He didn’t say anything and she wondered if he’d let her change the subject. The he said, “Who do you think killed Wray?”
    “Someone who didn’t want him talking to us.”
    “Which means Wray didn’t pick my house randomly. He had a purpose in being there and I want to know what it was.”
    Jordan said, “It seems like he was looking for something.”
    “Like my laptop,” she mused. “Remember? He asked if it was in my case.”
    “So what’s on the laptop that would be of interest to someone?”
    “Nothing. I don’t keep work stuff on there, just personal stuff, mostly.”
    “And notes about Lucy’s kidnapping?”
    She stilled then nodded. “Yes. There are notes about Lucy on there.”
    “Isn’t it, though?” She sighed. “Are you ready to call it a night?”
    “Yes, I guess I am. What time are you available tomorrow?”
    “I’ll be done by midmorning. I’m just running a few errands for my mother.”
    “All right. You like Chinese food?”
    “Love it.”
    “Where do you want to meet?”
    “Why don’t you come to my house?” She held up Lucy’s paper file. “I think I have this thing memorized, but I’m going to work on it tonight. I’m also going to check in with Mariah and see if she got anything from the diner.”
    “Will you let me know what you find out?”
    “Of course.”
    Jordan dropped her at her car and Katie watched him drive away, wondering at the ball of tension in the pit of her stomach.
    As she drove home, she couldn’t get her mind off the handsome FBI agent. Why had she mentioned her fiancé? As a way of letting Jordan know she was single? He already knew that. A way of telling him she was ready to move on?
    Was she? Maybe. But not with him. At least not while his parents still held so much animosity toward her. So what had mentioning her fiancé been all about?
    Headlights in her rearview mirror captured her attention. The driver had them on bright and kept creeping closer. Katie adjusted the mirror and alternated keeping her eye on the lights behind her and the road before her.
    Her phone rang, and she snatched it from the cup holder. “Hello?”
    “Hey.” Mariah’s soft alto came over the line. “I’ve been working on the evidence the team gathered from that shooting at the diner.”
    “The car had tons of fingerprints. Lots of little ones belonging to children that I can probably rule out. The others will take time to go through.”
    “Well, it was stolen, so that’s to be expected.”
    “Right, it was reported stolen three days ago, but I did find a receipt for gas you might want to check out. Someone filled up early this morning.”
    “Cash or credit?”
    “Naturally.” She chewed her lip and glanced at the lights in the mirror again. Still on bright and so close they helped illuminate the road in front of her. “All right, text me the address. Maybe they’ve got some video I can look at.”
    Mariah said, “Done.”
    The phone beeped, confirming Mariah’s text.
    “When are you coming home? I’m on my way there now.”
    “I’m not. I’m going back over to Grandma Jean’s. She’s come down with a nasty virus, so I told her I’d stay with her at night. My mom’s there

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