are harder and even deeper as he works to come with me.
“That’s it,” he cries as he makes one final push and we both explode.
We gaze into each other’s eyes for a long moment.
“Was that better?” he asks as he runs his thumb down my cheek.
Now I’m the one who just nods. For someone who gets paid to lecture and write it’s unusual for me to be at a loss for words, but that’s the position in which I find myself.
I have no idea what to say.
“Turn around,” he tells me.
When I do as I’m told he carefully washes my back. Then he puts some shampoo in my hair and washes that as well. For a moment I just relax and enjoy him massaging every inch of my body.
“All clean,” he says as he spins me back around.
For split second I wonder if I should wash him too. Before I have a chance to ask he’s already got the soap and he’s scrubbing his body.
I take a moment to really look at him. It feels so strange to get to know someone after you’ve already had sex twice. It should be the other way around.
Even though Dante is tall and slender, he’s got a hint of muscles in his arms and legs that suggest some kind of physical activity, although his skin is so pale it doesn’t seem like he gets outside very much.
When I reach over and touch the tattoo on his arm he turns his attention to me. “Do you like it?”
“It’s unexpected.”
“It’s my passion.”
“Dali or Dante?”
“I love everything about medieval history.”
I’m tempted to tell him that’s what I’ve been studying my entire adult life. That I’m a professor in a Medieval Studies department at a well-respected university, but for some reason I hesitate. I guess part of me is embarrassed that I worked so hard to build a career, yet I’ve found myself in a situation in which I’m being paid for sex. Maybe I’m having a difficult time reconciling those two parts of myself in my mind.
“Why Cerberus?” I ask.
His expression changes and I wonder if it’s okay for me to ask him personal questions. We never clarified how open we would be with the details of our lives outside of our arrangement.
“Did I mention how beautiful you are?” he asks, clearly trying to change the subject.
“Several times,” I tell him.
When he kisses me again I can see his cock begin to swell.
“I really have to get to work,” I remind him.
“When will I see you again?”
“I think you’re the one who’s supposed to make that decision.”
“What time do you get off?”
He probably didn’t mean it as a joke, because he’s one of the most serious people I’ve ever met, but I smile anyway. And because I just can’t help myself I ask, “What time would you like to get me off?”
I’m shocked when my question elicits a genuine smile in return. “I’ll be over at eight.”
O nce again I find myself sprinting down the hallway toward my office. Hopefully this won’t turn into a habit.
“Slow down,” Andrew says poking his head out of his office. “He hasn’t made the rounds yet.”
I let out a sigh of relief. Being on the Dean’s Late List two days in a row would probably mean the death of my dreams for tenure.
“Late again,” Lucy observes as she steps out of her office and joins me and Andrew in the hallway. “Is there something you want to tell us?”
I shake my head.
She narrows her gaze at me. “You look different. Are you dating someone?”
“No, definitely not.” That’s one thing Dante and I are not doing.
I can tell by the skeptical look in her eyes that Lucy does not believe me, but I’m grateful that she chooses not to continue the discussion in front of Andrew.
Not that I could date Andrew now even if he asked me. Dante and I have an exclusive arrangement. I won’t be dating anyone for a while.
“So,” Andrew says in an effort to change the subject. “Guess who I have in my Emergence of Europe class?”
Lucy puts a finger to her lips like she’s giving