Circle of Deception

Circle of Deception by Carla Swafford Read Free Book Online

Book: Circle of Deception by Carla Swafford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carla Swafford
brag about.” He pressed his lips together as if trying to hide the scar. “This isn’t about me.”
    “Ha! It’s more about you than you obviously believe.” A glance over her shoulder showed an empty room. Someone had closed the double doors. “We knew each other a total of six weeks when we decided to get married.”
    “Time isn’t important when a man and woman are in love.”
    “Love? You mean lust,” she said in a soft tone.
    Mary and Joseph! It hurt to say that to his face. She had a hard enough time trying to convince herself. Though she was tired of lying, the need to move on and quit hurting each other required her to say it. If Nic wasn’t the woman for him, he needed to find someone else. Only it couldn’t be her. She would hurt him again. That was a fact.
    He opened his mouth and closed it as his face darkened. Earlier he’d been angry, but that was nothing compared to the fury building in his eyes. His fists balled into massive white knuckles.
    “Enough about the past.” She raised her hand. He growled, grinding his teeth. A tremor started in her belly and traveled down her legs until her knees felt like jelly. If she didn’t know him the way she did, she’d be afraid for her life. The flames of hell shot from those beautiful eyes. Doing her best to show him that he couldn’t intimidate her, she gave him her back and sauntered toward the doors. “We need to concentrate on the mission to stop this asshole from selling any more heat-seeking bullets.”
    He grabbed her arm, pulled her around, and leaned so far down that she could feel his breath against her face. “Fine. We’ll be all about the job. But I won’t forget you told my brother what you refused to tell me.” His lips came closer to hers. “Remember, that lust you mentioned will come in handy the next few weeks. I expect a great performance for your mother and the rest of your family. You never know who may report to Brody. We can’t take a chance of being exposed.”
    She refused to move back or drop her gaze. He wanted to upset her with the promise of intimacy. Pushing down the desire to cover that mouth so close to her own, she lifted one eyebrow and cupped his groin. The semihard cock surprised her but she managed to keep her composure.
    “I believe you need to worry about yourself and your performance.” She squeezed.
    He groaned and shoved her away. “You think this is a game?” His chest rose and fell.
    “No.” She dragged her gaze from below his waist. “No. I’m dead serious. And I don’t want my family to turn up that way—you know, dead. It’s only because of my connection with Brody that I’m involved in this mission, and everything we do can endanger my family. I’m willing to chance it, this time. Brody Walker and whoever created and manufactured those bullets need to be stopped.”
    He moved around her and opened one of the doors. “That’s right. When I’m pumping into you, be sure to close your eyes and remember you’re doing it for God and country.” The door closed behind him with a solid bang.
    Abby shut her eyes and breathed deep. A shudder escaped as she lowered her head. Why did she feel like karma had decided to bite her on the ass?
    Pulling in another lungful of air, she lifted her head and straightened her shoulders. She needed a drink and a sympathetic ear.

    Chapter Five
    “W ELL, LOOK AT what the cat dragged in.” Olivia Ryker stepped out onto the patio of her country home.
    After nearly five days of training and working with Rex, Abby needed a break. Her nerves were wound up tighter than a miser staring at the offering plate on Sunday morning.
    Smiling until it hurt her face, she and Olivia hugged. There were few people she felt comfortable enough to hug, and strangely, the dangerous woman squeezing her tight was one of them.
    Laughter spilled out of the open doorway.
    Abby looked up and spotted Marie Ryker, Olivia’s sister-in-law, and Charlie standing inside talking.

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